I am from land.
From ground covering acres.
I came from a firefighter mind.
(Instinctive and analytical)
A common sense thrill.
And vast, unusual music!
I am from a mother.
The kind who showed what not to be.
But to give credit where credit's due,
she supported... too much.
I came from sugar
and calories
and sodium
and cholesterol.
I am from technology.
From the newest update to
"Light. Years ahead."
I came from duck feathers.
The figurative inspiration,
not literal.
I am from misstakes.
From accident, and purpose.
Gossip. I came from that.
i was that. in both ways.
Old words. Never properly sent.
Old words! Shared in the best of ways.
Where I am from still lingers.
I can attempt to overcome, but
I came from where I've been.
I am from what I've been through.
Let's focus on the exciting times,
because that's where I really came from.