Chapter 6

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Michael POV

As I walked into the building and made my way to the elevator, I could feel his eyes on my ass. He wasn't exactly as subtle as he thought he was. I didn't mind though, I mean I was blatantly checking him out earlier, and I wasn't lying when I said he was hot. But I still find my self hoping that he wouldn't just be in this for sex like Drake was, but I push away the thought. I mean, Mason already explained this to me. If Zev were to hurt me he would only hurt himself. He'll be able to feel all of my emotions as long as were close together. If we were to far away he wouldn't be able to sense anything or read my thoughts. 

This slightly worried me seeing as I did not have a large apartment. But oh well, I already offered. We make it into said apartment after a slightly awkward elevator ride. I open the door, and the first thing I do is pick my coat off the ground and put it on one of the hooks attached to the wall behind the door. He places his bag on the ground after I shut the door and walk further in. That's when I really notice how embarrassing my apartment is. Covered in plants that are slowly dying because I haven't been home enough to water them. With nothing but a closet and a bathroom going off the one room concept. One corner being taken over by a small kitchen and the other with a couch surrounded with plants and guitars and microphones and amps and cords everywhere. The other corners being taken by my "bedroom" that closes off with a pastel colored curtain with only a mattress on the floor, and my laptop sitting on the charger next to the bed along with my phone charger. With only a bedside table. And then the corner with the door having only the hooks for coats, and a small table next to the door for putting my keys and things I need to bring with me. 

I turn around to see him hang his coat on the empty hook, and then turn to look around the room. I scratch the back of my head as I awkwardly chuckle "Sorry for the mess, no one really visits and I wasn't expecting company." I quickly start cleaning the couch of all of my music supplies. 

"It's fine. This apartment is kinda cute, it suits you." He gives me one of those heart stopping half assed smiles and it makes me feel all tingly inside. 

"Well, um." I cough out of lack of response as another blush makes it's way to my face. 

"Tell me about yourself." He says as he walks up to me, handing me the last guitar before sitting down on the now empty couch, and I join him after setting the guitar on the floor.

"Not much to tell. I was raised by my mom and dad, until my mom died in a car crash when I was 13. Dad became an abusive drunk after that. I went through a lot of shit through my high school years because of him. But I made it, mostly because Mason's parents, rest in peace,  took me in after they saw me covered in bruises and heard what that bastard did. I moved into this apartment when he kept coming by their house looking for me, knowing I was there. I was almost 17 at the time. Graduated high school, went on tour for a year, Mason got kidnapped, 7 long months of crippling depression, Mason coming back, leaving again. And now he's returned with your precious Alpha. That's it all in a short story." I smiled, glazing over the details of my fathers abuse. Zev looked so angry, but he closed his eyes and a few minutes later was completely calm. "You?" 

"Well, I was born into a family with two siblings. My older brother is currently the Beta to Stephan's older brother, and he hates it. He just found his mate and wants to travel the world with her.  But I wont taking his place unless Stephan is Alpha. Anyway, I was born with a defect. I'm stronger than I should've been, even as a child. My wolf is too strong for my human side to keep up, at least he was but I've got him under control most of the time. But because of this, my mom suffered a lot through the birth, I took more nutrients from her than her tiny body could handle, I almost killed her from the womb. And when I was born, my mom was told her body could not support any more pups, which broke her heart because her and my father always wanted three boys. But by some miracle, my mom got pregnant giving birth to my little brother. He has a lot of health issues, and is an omega. But he's an amazing kid. We were raised fine, nothing to complain about except always protecting my little brother from others and himself at the same time as constantly battling with my wolf." He tells me, not holding anything back and I'm astonished at his honesty and openness.

"Your wolf, is he... dangerous?" I ask slightly worried. I can't handle myself in violent situations, my fathers abuse scarred me and now I shut down at any harmful physical contact. 

Zev's POV:

"Yes, extremely so. I'm going to be honest with you. My wolf, he's pure animal, a monster if you ask me. But he would never hurt you. You are his mate, my mate. If he were to hurt you it would be practically committing suicide. The only thing that you will need to worry about is him being extremely protective of you, and jealous. He will jump to conclusions and will most likely try to kill anyone who try's to touch you that he doesn't trust. As well as rough angry sex, but that's only if we ever get there." I say. I always promised myself that I would never lie to mate about who I was if I were to ever find him. I would tell him that I am a monster, and if he chooses to love me anyway is up to him. 

My heart is pounding and my hands slightly sweaty as I wait for a response from my little mate. To my surprise me moves closer to me and looks me in the eye. 

"What does he say, when you look at me. You're wolf I mean... what does he think of me." He ask's looking at me, searching for honesty. This is extreamly dangerous for me, but because it's my mates request, I risk it. I search for my wolfs thought process and say out loud what he thinks as I look into my mates eyes. 

"He thinks you're beautiful. All he keeps saying when he looks at you is that you are his in every way, emotionally, physically. He plans to protect you with his life, he plans to kill for you without hesitation. He wants to mate you, and fill you with his pups. He thinks you would glow being pregnant and I agree. He thinks you could fix him." I say quietly, and with each word my mates heart beat becomes quicker as we both slowly move in. 

And then our lips collide, and I keep it slow, holding his cheek with my left hand as our lips slowly glide across one anothers. We slowly part and he blushes before standing up and coughing. I chuckle as he grabs me some spare blankets from the bottom of the closet that holds his clothes, and a pillow off of his bed and hand them to me before he runs off to the bathroom. 

I decide to settle down, and I take my shirt and pants off leaving me in only my boxers because sleeping with clothing on is too uncomfortable. I lay down on the couch pulling a blanket over my large body and laying my head on a pillow that was covered in my cuties scent. I pretend to be asleep as he opens the bathroom door and walks to the area with the bed before closing the curtain. I open my eyes again and stare at the pretty curtain just picturing what my mate is doing on the other side before slowly slipping into a comfortable slumber surrounded by my his scent. 

Michael's POV:

After taking my contacts out, placing my glasses on my face and brushing my hair out; I walk out of the room and notice Zev is laying on the couch with his eyes closed. I had a feeling he wasn't actually asleep, but I didn't want to risk waking him up just in case. I quickly closed the curtain of my 'bedroom' and then took my clothes off, leaving me in just my boxers. I can't sleep with clothes on. 

I slip into bed when I realize my mistake. I forgot to heat a corn bag. I can't sleep alone, or without warmth and I sure as hell can't go out their now. What if he's awake? Or what if he's asleep but the microwave wakes him up. I'd feel terrible. 

I decide I'll just force myself to sleep and hope my sleep-crying/nightmares don't wake him up... I reach into my bed stand and pull my sleeping pills out of the drawer, ignoring the lube & other embarrassing things resting beside the bottle and get out two. I dry swallow them and then lay down feeling extremely uncomfortable without my much needed comforting fake body heat. 

Oh well... I think as I fall into a forced uncomfortable light sleep. 

What?! Two updates?! Yep. I'm pushing through. 


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