Chapter 5

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(Chapter 19&20 of MSM)

Michaels POV:

I sit in masons living room anxiously. I don't know why I'm so antsy, it's just the mountains friends coming to meet their mates. I don't even know why I'm here, but I just felt like I was being drawn here, like I had to be. 

We hear the door bell ring and Andy jumps up to go get the door, leaving me, Mary, Kylee, Mason, and mountain 2. I couldn't stop my leg from bouncing. Next thing I knew, they were coming back in the room. 


A beautiful man stepped through the door along with a beautiful girl and Mountain 1. He was huge; broad shoulders, strong jawline, sexy body... he's perfect. I hear a tiny, almost inaudible gasp and look up to see his eyes. 


He has purple eyes... Oh my gosh! I feel this instant connection with him, like I just need to be in his arms, kissing him. The pull is so strong it's like I can't even focus on anything else. Not even my depressing thoughts. I can semi-hear a conversation going on, but all I can focus on is the way the word "Mine" came like a growl from his lips. 

I saw Stephan jump up and growl at the gorgeous man. I almost started shaking, I really don't like violence. 

"Not your mate, our mates. He's mine."  

...mate? He can't mean me... 

"M-Me?" I mumble, and when he nods it's like I forget everything. All these self conscious thoughts. It was just the thought of, I am the one destined to love this gorgeous man?! I jump up in excitement and hop my way over to Mason who is staring at me with big shocked eyes.  

  "I've got one too! I've got a sexy mate too! Yay!" I shout and he yells at me to calm down. How can I?! I've got a mountain too! 

"Sit down!" Mary yells, and that just makes me snap. 

  "No, you whore. I have a sexy werewolf mate. I'm one of you now! Yay! I can't stop jumping!"  I say as I jump right into the big mans arms and smash my lips against his. 

Am I gonna regret that? 

Zev's POV:

I walk into the house and immediately smell this amazing scent. Coconut? and... blueberries? It's heavenly and makes me weak in the knees. Is my mate here? 

I don't want my mate though... At least I didn't think I did. I've always thought of myself as a monster.. I don't deserve a mate. But that smell... I can't walk away from it. I need it. 

"Hey. Do you smell that?" Sadie, the head war wolf, asks. 

"Coconut and blueberry?" I moan. 

"No... honey and strawberries. Zev. Our mates are in this house." 

My wolf whimpers, and starts to try and scratch at the surface. Find mate, mark, claim! Mine! 

I block him out. I don't have time for him, and he does nothing but hurt people... 

I walk into the living room with Sadie at  my side and that's when I see him. 

A head of bright blue hair moves in my direction and piercing ice blue eyes meet mine. He's beautiful. He's very small, probably right under 5'5. His hair pin straight, small shoulders, round beautiful face, soft looking skin. He's perfect. 

The way he looked at me made me forget everything else. Just being under his gaze makes me feel less like a monster, and more like a normal person. He's already got me wrapped around his finger. 

My Troubled Mate BoyxBoy [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now