Chapter 1

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How did it all start?

"Then what happened?" I asked Ashley as she laid in bed with a box of pizza.

"He asked us to leave and I haven't heard from him since. It's been two days Starr, I've lost him, I've lost the only thing I ever wanted" she told me crying on my shoulder.

"Hey he's not leaving you, I'll be damn if he leaves you. After all the shit you've been through he's not going anywhere" I told her as Chris smiled.

"And as Wizard has spoken that it shall be done" she joked making Ashley smile.

"I am not a wizard I just know love when I see it" I told her giving her a slight smile.

"Now as much as I'd like to stay in and eat chips we have to go to the doctors to get me a sonogram" Chris told her as we got up to go out the door.

"Hey guys" she yelled as we were about to walk out the door.

"Yes?" We said in unison turning around.

"Thank you" she told us as we smiled and jumped her in a jump.

"what are best friends for" Chris said hugging her tightly.

We exited out of her room and Chris whispered.

"Do you actually believe anything you just said?" She asked as I ran a hand through my now blue hair.

"Honestly not a damn word. I don't know what's going on in Jay's head because he's so unpredictable" I told her honestly as we entered the car.

"So you lied to her?" Chris asked her questionably.

"Technically I reassured her because no matter what he'll come back to her, he loves her too much not to right?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"I can't answer for him but we should stop by just in case" she told me as I inserted the key in and backed out the driveway.

After the ultra sound Chris and I decided to stop by the precinct which was as busy as ever.

"Meredith!" Chris yelled after we had been sitting for a good thirty minutes.

"Can you please not yell out my name while we're busy like this" Meredith says speed walking with her fingers in her ears.

"While if you actually came to see us a while ago that would of never happened" Chris sassed.

"Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest, you look like you're about to pop" Meredith says in admiration.

Meredith and her husband had been trying for a while but no luck and Chris and Shawn don't even need to try and they conceive twins.

"Actually I can't sleep I'm too worried about Jay and Nicole" Chris says.

"Where is he by the way?" I asked as he faced dropped.

"I'm sorry district made her his new partner and there out on the field together right now" she answered.

"What?! Why did you let that happened?" Chris &I I basically shouted which caught us a couple of stares and a glare from Meredith.

"Will you too please keep it down, it's not up to me. She probably wormed her way into getting that since she probably found out Jay had a girlfriend she's crazy that way she can't love him but can't leave him" Meredith says as a cop comes and whispers something into her ears.

"Sorry guys I have to go" Meredith says.

"Yeah it's fine" Chris says as she leaves I turn and bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I say as a man helps me back up.

"It's okay I'm sorry actually I was waiting for my wife but I guess she's busy" he says as I finally got a good look at him.

"Who's you're wife?" Chris asked.

"I am, hi babe" Meredith says kissing his cheek.

Standing next to each other they looked really good.

Standing next to each other they looked really good

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"Wow you guys are really cute together" I blurted.

"Thank you" they both said laughing.

"I hope you guys make a baby at least then we'd know they'd be beautiful" Chris says.

"Okay we're gonna go before the jealousy becomes any clearer" I said pulling Chris by her hand.

"Why are you mad? He is gorgeous, I just spoke my mind" Chris says.

"He's having performance issues Chris" I said holding back a laugh.

"Yeah that's a little hard to believe, have you seen him!" Chris says as I drove onto the open road.

When I got home I found Matt packing.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Hey, um turns out I've got this really big movie deal coming up and I have to go film" Matt tells me.

"That doesn't explain why your packing" I tell him.

"It's just a two day business trip I promise I'll be home soon okay" Matt tells me kissing my forehead.

"Okay" I say sitting on the bed with my phone in my hands.

"I love you" he calls out on his way out.

"Love you too" I called back.

And that's what started everything the fact that he wanted to be somebody.

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