Dating the princess

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Bellamy had just started to date Clarke after they were assigned to raise a baby together for a week for a health project. Which they aced by the way.

"Hey what are you doing this weekend?" Clarke asked Bellamy over the phone.

"Nothing yet princess what's up?"

She smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to Finn's party on Saturday?"

"Space walker? Ya." Bellamy said.

"What's the deal with that nickname anyways?" Clarke asked.

"Not sure." Bellamy said. "I'm not a huge fan of his but if you want to go I'll go."

"Thanks bell l haven't gone to a party in forever!" Clarke said.

"Ok. I'll go." He agreed.

"Can you pick me up at 8?" She asked.

"Sure thing princess." She smiled to herself and hung up. She was excited for the rest of the week. Saturday night she picked her outfit a cute top,and blue skinny jeans. She was all set when her boyfriend came to the door god she loved that. Calling him her boyfriend. She was so in love every time she looked at him. She could just stare at him for hours. When he picked her up he greeted her with a kiss and warped his arms around her waist.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup." She said smiling. Bellamy opened the car door for her then got in himself he drove down her street and saw she still didn't do up her seatbelt. So he stopped at the stop sign reached across her body taking the buckle and clipping her in.

She kissed his forehead. "Always look' out for me huh?"

"Of corse." He said.

She took a moment to look deep into his chocolate eyes before saying it. "I love you." She said.

He smiled "I love you too Clarke. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Besides my sister." He added quietly.

"And I want you to know I really love you Bellamy Blake." He kissed her powerfully then continued the drive to Finn's house. They started to mingle and Clarke had a drink or two Bellamy just stuck to pop. He would never drive drunk. Epically not with Clarke in the car. They stayed side by side for a good hour. Bellamy told Clarke he was just going to say hi to miller.

"Ok." she said. "I'm going to get another drink."

"Alright." he sighed. "Have fun but that's the last one."

"Yes, Bellamy." She teased.

Bellamy talked to miller for a few minutes. Then he asked about his new girlfriend. "Clarke right?" Miller asked.

"Yeah." Bellamy said then he started to look for her. "Hey miller I'm just going to go find her I'll be back."

He went to the kitchen. No Clarke. Then he checked the living and dining rooms. No Clarke now he was worried. He was worried as soon as miller brought her up because he thought she was just behind him. 'Why wasn't he watching her!' His mind screamed at him. Bellamy ran up the stairs taking them two at a time.

"Clarke" he screamed


He burst through a door to see Finn on top of Clarke.

"Get off of her!!!" He grabbed Finn's collar and threw him across the room. Then he beat the living shit out of him he picked him up off the floor by his throat and chocked him against the wall. "If you ever touch her, go near her or even look at her again I'll kill you!"  He screamed in his face.

"Bellamy!" Clarke sobbed from behind him.

He let go of Finns throat only to knock him out conscious. "Clarke... " He had a crazy protective look in his eyes. "Are you ok?"

She was striped down to her bra and underwear.  She was sobbing now and wrapped herself in the blankets. Bellamy hugged her and she cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry princess." He kissed the top of her head. Still tears poured out of her eyes. How could he let this happen. To HIS princess. He stood up and uncovered her. He picked up her pants off the floor and started to dress her. Then taking her shirt and pulling it over her head. When he finished dressing her he  picked her up and walked down stairs. She buried her face in his neck.

He caught millers eyes. He was shocked. "Bellamy... " He started but Bellamy cut him off.

"Finn is in the bed room out conscious. Do me a favor and and take care of that?" Bellamy asked his best friend.

Miller nodded.

Bellamy opened the car door and put her in doing up her seatbelt. He got in the drivers side and started driving. He drove straight to his place and took Clarke out and carried her up the steps and inside and only puts her down on his bed. Octavia was in the kitchen. She asks her brother what was happening and he said he can't talk right now but that Clarke was going to stay over because he wanted to be there for her. Octavia didn't understand but knew not to ask questions. Bellamy then phoned the police stating what happened making sure Clarke didn't over hear not wanting to upset her again. When he did go into his room Clarke was curled up in a ball on his bed.

"Clarke. I'm so sorry. I should have watched you... " he said.

"It's not your fault Bell." She said. "I was drunk."

"But I feel like it is!" He said a bit too harshly. She looked at him like a scared little girl. "I love you so much and I wasn't there to protect you." He said.

His eyes looked more hurt than she had ever seen. "You were there. You did save me." She said. "I love you Bellamy but you don't need to take all my pain."

"We can get through it together. Ok princess." He said. "Tonight you can  sleep with me."

"Ok." She said. Not wanting to fight. She can protect herself but she wouldn't say that now. He took off his shirt and pants leaving him in only boxers.

"Here." He said handing her a T-shirt of his. "You should change for bed."

"Ok." She said taking the shirt. He turned around to give her her privacy. "You don't have to do that." She said.

"What?" He asked.

"You can look I don't, mind it's you. I trust you. Turn around." She said. He listened but kept his eyes on the floor. When she was finished he walked over laying beside her and got under the covers with her. He warped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his chest.

He kissed her behind her ear and said "I love you and I will never let anything else bad happen to you Clarke I promise." She kissed him and she believed him feeling completely safe with him. They slept closely for the next few days in his bed.

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