Club Pounce Pt 2

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A/N: Above we have the outfit being worn by none other than Tyler Posey, whom is portraying Dimitri.

Dimitri's POV:

I texted Brendon ahead of time to let him know I was just going to meet up with him and his mate at the club. I decided I should go home to shower and change into something other than my Nike basketball shorts and white muscle shirt.

I parked in the underground garage of the pack house that's reserved for Delta's family up to the Alpha's family. I walked up the steps to the pack house. When I got inside it was blissfully quiet. I was walking up the steps to my room on the 4th floor when I stopped on the 2nd noticing the paint job. I was about to start walking back up the stairs when someone jumped on me wrapping their legs around my waist. I didn't need to see their face to know it was Rein, aka the pack slut. She released her grip after noticing I didn't hug her back, nor was as excited to see her as she was to see me. She slid down my body then looked me in my face, crossing her arms. The disappointment was clearly written on her face.

"Why didn't you hug me back? Normally, you'd be excited to feel my legs wrapped around your waist," she said, seductively running her finger up and down my chest.

"Rein, knock it off. What we did was a mistake," I said pushing her hands off of me to start my way back up the stairs.

"You can't just act like what we did had no meaning. You enjoyed it. Or maybe you forgot, I mean like you were gone for a little over 2 years now. How about I come up there and remind you, baby?" she said, following me up the stairs.

Can this chick seriously not catch the hint? With the day I've had and the mood I'm in I would seriously tell her that her dry ass pussy really ain't shit. Wait...what the hell is stopping me?

I turned around to face her, causing her to run into my chiseled chest because she was following right on my heels. "Man, look bruh, your dry ass pussy really ain't shit. I had on a Trojan extra thin condom, but I still couldn't feel your walls. I had to angle myself out and pick a wall to hit to get some feeling. Hop off the dick for a minute to let your pussy try to rebuild itself, k?" Her expression when I finished was priceless! I would've felt bad for her if she wasn't a lustful, power hungry slut.

"Say what you want, but you can't hurt me Dimitri Adair Thomas! You're going to need a strong, ruthless Luna by your side, and when the time comes you'll realize I'm the ride or die bitch you need by your side," she said as she flipped her hair then walked away from me.

The hoes in this pack...Where the hell do they come from.

Anyways, I managed to walk back up to my room without being ambushed by another slut from the past. I unlocked my iPhone 12 Pro Max Plus seeing a message from Brendon.

B. Dog- Aye fam, imma be a lil late.
Me- Y?
B. Dog- Scooping sis and Meme. Cool if they kick it w/ us?
Me- Special occasion?
B. Dog- Meme's bday. Finally 17.
Me- Meme huh? Does she know how to use the shower rod like Meme?👀
B. Dog- HaHa😂, not funny.😐😑😐
Me- Jk dude, chill😂 I would never try to find out if she has the Meme skillz😈😏
B. Dog- Yeah yeah, just keep it in your pants, unlike 98% of this pack she still has her V Card💁🏽
Me- Hmmm, interesting😏 Yeah it's cool if they chill w| us.
B. Dog- ight, cool, I'll text you when I leave out w| them
Me- K, cool👌🏽

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