Another Day

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Melaney's POV:

 After my bathroom talk with Tia, I decided to just leave the club. I know my mate more than likely tried to follow my scent after I left his side, but he was unable to due to the conflicting scents of musk, sweat, and alcohol in the air. Tia mind linked Brendon to tell him we were ready. He was suspicious about why we of all people wanted to leave the club so early with it being our first night there, but we told him that we had killer headaches and wanted to be able to wake up for training in the morning. He gave in after the mention of training since he knows how serious they are to me. I was so advanced in my age group of girls that they moved me to the  14-16 year old boys group. Actually, tomorrow morning I had the opportunity to get bumped up to the boys 17 and up class, and I had been looking forward to it. Someone also said that the Alpha's son had came back into town and he was going to be there, so my moves need to be sharp.

When we got in the car, Brendon didn't ask any further questions and drove off. Since Tia and Brendon's parents stay closer to the club, we dropped Tia off at home first. When we made the few blocks to go to my house, Klarissa, Brendon's mate, said that she was beyond tired and asked if he could drop her off first. They only stayed a couple of blocks from me so dropping her off wasn't a problem. After she got inside the house safely, we pulled off towards my own home.

We rode in a comfortable silence listening to only the music until he broke the silence.

"Mel, we need to talk," I looked at him with confusion sketched all over my face. What could we possibly have to talk about? Then he continued.

"I know that today you became of age to find your mate"

"Well duh, everyone is able to find their mate at the age of 17" I said with a duh expression on my face.

"Not everyone is lucky to find their mate," after he said that I looked at him before he continued. "especially not on the first day," my eyes got wide. Then he glanced at me before putting his attention solely back on the road.

My best way out of this was to play stupid so that's what I did. "Brend, what are you talking about?"

"Mel, c'mon, you know damn well what I'm talking about. You don't have to play stupid because I knew about him before you even knew about him," I looked at him silently beckoning him to continue "he texted me when he pulled up to the club saying he smelled a delectable scent and he described it. The only person I know with the scent he described is you," he glanced my way for a minute then turned his attention back to the road.

"Who is he?" I know Brendon doesn't text anyone if it wasn't about business because of him being the Beta. He chooses to keep his personal relationships to a minimal, as advised by the Alpha.

"You couldn't tell from the power he radiated?" I was confused as hell now. "Oh never mind how could you, you ran away from him in a record breaking 2.2 seconds. Like c'mon Mel, you deserve your mate," he parked in front of my house then looked me in my eyes. "Melanie, you fake your happiness and everyone sees it. You make everyone else happy, you should let someone make you genuinely smile for once to".

His words touched me. I know that everyone was concerned for me, but I thought it was just because they pitied me. "You're right, I already talked to Tia about what I'm going to do though. We'll just see how bad Mr. Mate wants me". I slid out of his car, I was about to close the door when I realized, "Hey! you didn't answer my question".

"You'll find out tomorrow" ugh, well I guess I can wait that long, I mean I went 17 years already without knowing my mate's identity, what's another day?

I closed the door then went inside to begin my plot of finding out if my mate is worthy for a chance or if he'll just fall in the cracks. 

I walked inside my house and of course made sure I locked my door. I then checked all my windows and my back door to make sure that I shouldn't be expecting any surprise visitors. I've been extremely cautious of my home ever since my abusive asshole sperm donor decided to come into my home uninvited while I was at my friend's house. The only way to describe that night is confusing. I apparently learned something new about myself, but I didn't tell anyone, not even my bestfriend. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I didn't know how to. Some of the things he said to me left me in the dark/ That night is still very much fresh in my mind. The asshole created multiple questions in my mind and I'm pretty sure he was able to answer them, but of course what kind of asshole would he be if he did. Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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