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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(M-Michael, C-Calum. They are both 19 and they've known each other for 2 years)
*Calum's pov*
I told my mom I was gonna go to Michaels
Then I got in my car and left
I arrived at Michaels
I walked up to the door and knocked
He opened the door and we went up to his room
His parents arn't home because they were on a cruise for 2 weeks
They arn't ever around
M-Hey calum you ok?
C-Ya just thinking
M-About what?
C-It's not important
M-Well if it's taking you away from reality is has to be pretty important
C-Why are you parents always gone
M-Because they gave up on me...
C-W-what do you mean?
He lifts up his shirt
And his stomach is caving in
And it's covered in burns, cuts and bruises
I've never wanted to cry more in my life
M-I have anorexia, bulimia, major depression, I have social anxiety disorder and suffer from panic attacks that's why I do online school
C-I've known you for 2 years and I didn't notice?!? Omg I'm such a horrible person I should've kno-
M-It's ok it started when I was 15 because I was raped and abused by my cousin for 4 months while he was living here to watch me while my parents where in Hawaii I had to stay because I couldn't miss that much school
C-How come I didn't know this?!?
M-B-because I've learned to hide it so well and because I wasn't ready to tell you until now
C-Well I'm willing to help because I'm not gonna just let you do this to yourself now that I know it's happening
M-I've been wanting to get help but it takes a really long time and I can't ask someone to put that much time and effort into me... I'm not worth it...
C-Don't you ever say that again and I've known you for 2 years and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon and if your willing to get help then I'm willing to stand by your side till your better
M-Well if you really are willing to help you should read about eating disorders and such
C-If it will make you more comfortable of course I will
M-Thank you so much like I can never thank you enough
C-It's what friends are for
M-I-I know I've never said this but I really do love you and care about you
C-I care about you more then anyone else and I love you too
Then we hugged and we talked a little more, then I went home and read a lot about eating disorders, depression, anxiety, etc.
It makes me sad that these are really struggles people go through
But with that I went to sleep
*The end*

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Because I'm writing it at my friends house yay!
Ok bye children✌🏻️

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