The Call|Four

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The photo has no relevance I just like it.
(C-Calum, L-Luke)
Hope you enjoy this chapter💘

*Luke calls Calum*
L-Hey Cal
C-Hey Luke
L-How are you?
C-I'm just deep in thought
L-What are you thinking about?
C-Um I don't know how to tell you this...
L-You can tell me anything we have been friends for 3 years
C-I've been wanted to tell you for almost 2 months now...
L-Cal your starting to scare me what's wrong?
C-I-I make myself throw u-up
L-How often?
C-Almost daily...
L-But your already so thin,
C-No I'm not please stop lying I'm so fat and gross
L-What?!? How could you think that
C-I weight like 150 pounds...
L-Calum that's normal for your height and age...
C-Agh I'm sorry goodbye
*Calum hangs up*
Ok cal I'm gonna come over then
So Luke leaves his house because Calum only lives 3 houses away
*10 minutes later*
*Luke knocks on Calum's door*
*Calum answers*
*Luke hugs Calum*
Buddy no matter what you think I think your great but it makes me sad that you think your gross and fat because your not you need to stop before you get an eating disorder
No buts Calum
Ok, I really will stop but it won't be easy
That why I'll always be here to help if you need it I only live 3 houses over come over anytime if you need me
*They both hug*

I'm really sorry this was short I would like some ideas of what you guys want me to write so please comment and vote🎀

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