N.G: YouNow (No Dirty time)

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I was on the couch watching Inside Out when I heard voices coming from Nash's room. I paused the movie and took my popcorn upstairs with me. I open the door and see Nash on his computer. He gives me a quick glance and smiles.

"Aye, y/n!" He smiles "Come Join!"

I sit down next to him and wave my hand.

"This is my roommate/bestfriend, y/n." He says

"Wassup!" I say

There were comments popping up with each passing second.

Oh, she's pretty!


Notice me!!! Please!!!

"Nash, someone wants you to notice them!" I say

He squints at the screen "Well, @Grinding_Grier, I see you and I love you."

I sit on Nash's lap and lean my head back on his shoulder.

"Before y/n came in I think I was talking about my ideal girl." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist "Well, I'm not in a relationship yet."

Then a comment popped up.

Are you dating y/n?

Why is she on your lap if you aren't dating anyone?

"No, y/n isn't my girlfriend. We are just close like that." Nash says "My ideal girl. Hmm, I guess I would like to have someone smart. But, not so smart that they think everything they say is correct. Someone beautiful on the inside. Someone kind, honest and funny. I like girls who have a funky attitude, like she's unpredictable. You don't know what she might do, but you know it's gonna be good. I prefer brunettes, but blondes are just as okay. I do not like girls who act stupid, it's not attractive, it just makes them annoying. So, if you are smart, show me! I also love it when girls put up a fight, like if we are arguing, I don't want her to be all quiet and stuff, I want her to yell back, to tell me how she really feels. I also think it's cute when girls let out a little snort when they laugh, it's just really adorable. I like a girl with talents, drawing, dancing, singing, especially singing. Singing is hot. But, if you don't sing that's fine too. Basically I want a girl that makes me want to be a better person."

I had completely abandoned my popcorn then. Everything he just said related to me. But, he couldn't possibly like me, He could like a girl like me.

"That's sweet, Nashly." I say

"Oh, and I'm glad you came in here y/n." He says

"Why?" I ask

"Well, I said I'm not dating. And I don't look at you as a good friend. I just wanted to know if you would go out next Friday night?" He asks

As soon as he said that a million comments came in at once.

Please say yes!

Omg, I SHIP IT!!!!

You guys are goals!

So cute!!!

"L-like a date?"

I mentally face palm for that. Of course it's a date! Why wouldn't it be a date?

"No, not like a date. A date." He says

"Yes, Yes of course. I'd love too!" I say

He gives me a peck on the cheek and smile at the camera.

"I'm sorry, that's all I have time for!" He says "See ya!"

"Love you!" I say

He turns off his computer and smiles up me.

"You were worth the wait." He says

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