chapter ten (10)

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Her and I began kissing again... our lips moving in synch there was a knock on the door. Grace got off of my lap.
"Come in!" I managed to yell out
"Hey sweety, I heard you woke up, I'm happy to see you alive and well!"
"Not really..."
"What do you mean..."
"I cant see"
"Oh lord...okay..."
"I'm sorry sweetheart but...we can get through this"
"He said it might be back within a few days but if not...I'll be blind permanently...Probably..."
"Okay well...we can do it!! You'll be just fine! I believe you'll be just fine!"
"Now I guess I'll just be leaving you two together... I'll be out here." She said walking put of the room.

" that she's gone..." she said walking over, I could hear her shoes tapping away on the floor. She sat down next to me "Maybe we can just talk..."
"About what?"
"Well...what happened over the past on and so fourth..."
"Okay what happened? That's well...worth knowing..."
"Rebecca went to juvie..."
"Yeah isn't it great!! She's not getting out for a while!"
"That's amazing..."
"Yeah..."she said
"Has anyone changed?"
"Well...I have bangs now...oh and I dyed my hair black...good bye boring brown Hello boring black."
"Black is one of my favorite know's not boring..."
"Yeah yeah...I know." She said grabbing both my hands..." that's why I dyed it that color." I was smiling so wide my cheek bones started to hurt.
We talked about other things that aren't so interesting and other that are definitely not interesting. We ended up falling asleep with me in her arms...
I woke up the next morning...I could see a faint outline of I think a chair...I don't know it maybe another bed... point is I'm beginning to see!!
The door opened closed.
Mam it's time for breakfast would like to go to the cafeteria, or stay here?
"Cafeteria! I need to get out of this room..."
"Very well..." she patted me on my shoulder and helped me up, my legs were...numb I guess you could say...I fell almost instantly. She helped me up and put me in a wheelchair.
"Thank you."
"Yeah no problem." Since I couldn't see very well she pushed me down to the cafeteria...
Man the food here is disgusting... about 30 minutes later I went back to the room...
"Finally your back...I've been waiting for like...20 minutes..."
"Who there?"
"Oh yeah can't see...grace told me that..."
"Who are you?"
"I'm haru... don't you recognize my voice?"
"Oh...well it's fine..."
Her and I talked about a few things but some how or another we got on the topic of grace..."
"You and her going out yet?"
"Actually...yeah now we are."
"That's great!!!"
"You know...she was so sad when you didn't wake up...everytime I came she was here begging you to wake up...crying even..."
"She was?"
"Yeah...Aiko she really does love you..."
Yet again a smile crept along my lips."You still love her..."
"Yeah, I never stopped."
"That's good then..."
"Did...she and know... ever date?"
"No, why would they?"
"Just wondering"
"Well...look at the time it's already eight. I've gotta go love you byeee"
"Bye love you too."
The door opened then closed...then just a lot of beeps coming from the machines around me. I got comfortable and fell into a deep slumber.
The next day I could see well...everything it was a little blurry but I could see things! I'm not going to be blind!! I was so happy!!
"Miss.Aiko you are free to go home" i heard the nurse say after the door opened then closed once more.
"Yes, your mother will be here shortly with a change of clothes."
"My mother? Oh yeah."
She walked out of the room and about 10 minutes later Miss.B came in.
"Miss.B, I can see!!! I mean it's a littlw blurry but I can see!!"
"That's wonderful sweety, let's get home, I doubt you want to stay in here any longer thwn you have too..."
"Yeah i dont..."
"Here are your clothes, I'll be outside"
I was practicing my walking as I was changing, I don't fall anymore. That's good...
I walked out of the room and we were off to the car. She signed me out and left the hospital.
We arived home in like...20 minutes. Oh my lord!!! My room!!! My home!!! I didn't realize how much I missed them till I saw them. My room was different...well...something was different I don't know what it was...oh well...maybe it's just how blurry everything looks...I don't know.

*knock knock knock*
"Come in " i was looking around when someone hugged me. "Ahhhhhh" Who's that!!!"
"I'm sorry! I just...i...I missed you so much." I turned around.
"Andrew I missed you too."we hugged once more. This time it lasted a long time...I love long hugs they are the best!"I love you big bro"
"I love you too lil sis."

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