Chapter Eleven (11)

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The next morning I woke up feeling great then life decided to punch me right in the face. What about am I going to go to colage? What job would want to hire me?! I need to find a job... okay Okay calm down I have time... i went to the kitchen and got something to drink. okay well obviously i need to go back to hell...i mean highschool... everyone was out of the house,  or so I thought.

"Yooooo, what's up girl, you must be that girl Andy was with all night..." he then looked me in the face. "Holy're his sister... I thought you were someone else...girl you're everywhere in his room..."
I've yet to go in his room since I've been back, I didn't know if he changed anything or not.
"What do you mean?"
" I mean a lot of pictures he has in his room are of yall. He missed you a lot it's crazy..."
"Oh..." A small smile grew on my face knowing he meant he missed me. I don't know why but I didn't believe I do."
"So...aiko?what type of name is that?"
"Its Japanese."
"Oh that's cool."
"Yeah i guess."
"What's up?"
"Its look...not happy"
"Because I'm not."
"What are the reasons?" He asked getting on my nerves
" reasons you wouldn't understand."
"Tell me"
"Why should i?"
"Because I'm curious."
I slammed the refrigerator."fine..." at this point he was somewhat scared and obviously suprised." I've been asleep for two years. Two years I should have been in school, getting education. Now I'm two years older and with the education of a sophomore, when I should be in  College, getting my degree." At this point my voice was raised but not really a scream more like frustration.
"Yeah." I took a deep breath" that's what was making me so angry..."
"That's a load of bull."
"That's not it." I was looking confused and mad at the same time I can imagine. "Look I know girls. I know what goes on in their mind."
"And what makes you think I'm anywhere close to what other girls are like?"
"I know you're not like them."
"A normal girly girl would have broken down in tears by now."
"A normal girl?"I was mainly mad at this point
"Oh come on don't say it like that."
"Why shouldn't I say it like that? Because you don't see me as a girl? Is it because I'm gay? Because I have a girlfriend? Because I'm going out with someone who ruined my life 2 years ago? Because I fell for someone I shouldn't have?" I took a deep breath.
"And there it is..." A tear rolled down my face."Look I'm sorry about getting you to this point, I didn't realize you would blow up like that."
"Okay" i wiped away the tear." New topic." What's your name?"
"That's cool"
" look like you need a hug." I simply nodded. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, "You'll be okay, with time you'll find your own way." Yet another tear rolled down my face. I left him in the kitchen and went to my room. I know I shouldn't be with her but I still love her...I had two years and I probably put her through hell when I was in that coma, if she really cared about me that is...god why do I have so many doubts in my mind about everything?!?!?!
I layer down and I felt something soft move under my hand. In an automatic reaction I screamed and jumped up. What the hell is that, it looked like a fur ball. I walked up to it and poked it's stomach...I hope it was it's stomach anyway. It lofted it's head up and I saw bright blue eyes looking around then a mouth of sharp white teeth as it yawned and put its head back down. I heard a soft rumbling noise. Why the fuck is there a cat on my bed? Oh my god a cats on my bed!!! I love cats! A screamed in excitement no longer afraid of the small black thing. Then i picked them up and huged the skinny beast. Just then I heard fast footsteps, and my door swung open. "What's the emergency?!"
" There was a cat on my bed! Can you believe it!" I then huged the thing again.rubning my face into its soft fur.
"Girl you've got some serious problems."i just smiled .

*Later that day*

"Hey lil sis!" I heard Andy yell from the living room when he got home.
"Yeah?" I yelled back. The door to my room opened.
"You're coming with me."
"Where are we going?" I asked getting up.
"Somewhere you wouldn't believe!"
"We're in the hall way..."
" Okay fine we aren't here...just ugh come with me." We were out side at this point and he was getting in his car.  "Come on slow poke get in." He said leaning over the middle conceal. I got in passenger and we were off we went up to a stop light and he said cover your eyes. I did so and the car was off within the next 2 minutes or so.  "Okay stay right there."
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I can. And you love it."
"Fine..."he pulled me out of the car and up a few steps. 
"Okay just in this door."
"I feel like I'm being kidnapped..."
"No its nothing like that. Okay uncover your eyes." I did so "tada!"
"What the buck..."
"Yeah buck...?"
"Okay." There were a few people here that I knew as I looked around the room I began to recognize each onw of them. Haile, Cheyney, haru, hana, grace and...Rebecca.... wtf was she doing here?!
"Okay this is great in all buuuut why is she here?"
"Oh, because that's my girlfriend and I thought that you guys would become good friends."

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