chapter five (5)

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their mother came home about 3 hours later. there i was sitting on their couch watching a bunch of movies with the boys.

"um... Andrew can i have a word with you?" she said putting a bag of groceries on the counter.

the boy that came to the door got up and walked to to kitchen. i could some what hear what they were saying. if i didn't i could just guess...i knew they were talking about me, why I'm here.

"who is she? i thought you said only boys will be here..."

"she was banging on our door because her dad was trying to hurt her. what was i supposed to do?"

"can you tell her to come here please?"

"Yeah, sure."he came into the living room motioning for me to go talk to her. i slowly got up and started waking towards her.

"where do you live?" she asked in a low voice.

"down the street."

"why did you come here?"

"well... do you want the short or the long story?"

"whatever works for you."

"can we go somewhere more private?"

"yeah, of course." we walked down the hall to what seemed like her room. she closed the door.

"well, when i was younger, my dad was cheating on mom, he did it over and over. at first i didnt know what was going on so i didnt do anything. today i found a woman in the kitchen, making something, she was so nice...she reminded me of my mom died a few years ago. Anyway...and I was telling her about how my dad cheats, so that she didn't get hurt as much after knowing it was so many times, she got a head start. I don't know if she talked to him or what but my dad got home a few hours after she left, I heard shots being fired and I looked out of my bedroom door to see my father holding a gun aiming it at the wall...he turned to walk twords my room but saw me...when he did see me he held up the fun pointed right at me and began to shoot...he got the top of my head but I'm okay nothing bad...I hope I don't know I can't see it, but yeah...then I ran to the nearest house and started banging on the door..."the whole time I was telling her this I had my head down...tears forming in my eyes, I looked up to see her with the most touching worried look on her face, she pulled me into a hug...
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I could feel a warm liquid dripping on my back, that to which I could only hope were he tears and not more blood from my head."I need to call the police!" She gasped pulling away and walking towards the phone.
I didn't stop her, she needed to do it, I didn't even think about calling them till now, it's a great idea. "Thank you for letting me in your home and not throwing me out when you got here." I said softly as she began dialing the numbers.
"No problem, sweety." I got up and out of the room, I went down the hall back to the loving room...the movie was no longer playing...they were all sitting in silence...they looked at me, one boy who I've yet to properly meet got up and walked towards me... I wasn't sure what to think so I backed up slowly."What are you doing?" I asked as he got closer. He opened his arms and wrapped them around me.
" I'm so sorry all that happened to you" he said as I began sobbing I slipped out of his arms and fell to the floor. I normally hated making a scene but I couldn't help it, to much shit was going on now, I had to let it all out. They all gathered around me patting me on the back wispering things to me like ...
" it will be okay."
"You'll be just fine."
" I believe in you."
Andrews mom came in the room, the police are coming to get your dad now. What did you say your name was?"
"My name is Aiko. What would you like me to call you?" I asked between breaths
"Interesting that Japanese?"
"Yes it means love in Japanese."
"You can call me Miss. B."

Sophomore yearWhere stories live. Discover now