Chapter 6

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Jacob's POV

I was stood in gym next to my best friend Sam, waiting for coach to tell us what we'll be doing in class, when the door opens and my kitten walks in, 'Jacob your kitten really?' I shrug at myself and look at her, coach mutters something along the lines of the whole time he has been here this is the first time a girl has taken up double gym, something like that I wasn't really focused on him.

She walks up to coach and stands next to him a kid on the other side of the group yells "coach do we really have to have a chick in here can't you just say no and send her to health class or something" I look towards him and glares, turning back to coach he opens his mouth to say something when Lexi buts in "well whoever the fuck said that a few things in no way am I chick do I look yellow and fluffy with an orange beak no and if you even think of calling me babe I will personally remove your balls as painfully as possible then throw you to my dog who doesn't take to kindly to dickhead teenage lads that think with their dick instead of their brain that is of course if you have a brain so if I were you id keep your little trap shut before I come over there and shut it for you, you little bastard", a lot of the lads stepped back I silently laughed at her 'she's going to be a handful' I tell myself which I couldn't agree more.

"well now that we got that sorted shall we begin lesson?" coach yelled before he began talking, coach gathers us all together to tell us what we're doing "right you have two options gym or basketball take your pick". I picked basketball along with Sam, I walked into the middle of the court and we split into two groups we counted each group my group was one short I looked over to coach to see Lexi still stood there so I yelled at coach "coach was short of one player", I quickly glance at Lexi she must have noticed and turned away, I watch says something to her, she turns our way and walks towards us.

Standing close to the middle Nick the captain of the football and basketball team I call him a dick which he is, decides to speak up and I know what for already "there is no way I'm playing with a girl" she smiled at him and stepped forward then said "then don't play" then she took the ball from his grasp he looked well and truly pissed he went for he to get the ball, as fast a lightning she side stepped him and he ended up charging into a guy behind her.

Turning back to face her, she gave him a smile "oops, here have the ball" she pushed the ball out for him to gab eyeing her for a second he stepped forward about to grab the ball, when she pulled it back to her she through it to the other side of the court, it landing straight into the hoop without touching the backboard, everyone's head followed as it flew through the air and watched it go in perfectly, I was shocked along with the rest of the guys she muttered "well I'll go now then" turning around she began walking away I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, I inhaled smelling her, she smelt of strawberries and roses I moved my mouth to her ear and whispered "that was pretty hot kitten" she shivered as my breath touched her ear I couldn't help but smile.

The whistle blew for the start of the game, I watched her when she was playing the game she barely broke a sweat, me I was pretty fit I was on the basketball and football team so it was easy for me although I still broke a sweat it didn't affect me.

The whistle blew signalling the end of the game, some of the lads fell on the floor while others went for water, I turned to watch Lexi walk to her bag and pull out some water, I walked up behind her, and she jumped slightly which caused me to smile.

She turned around and smiled "very appealing" she said then turned around I couldn't help but chuckle at what she said.

Coach called us back saying we can get another game in before lesson ends.

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