Chapter 23

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When the math lesson finishes, I start to walk out the classroom when I feel someone lay a large yet soft hand on my shoulder. I look behind me to see Hayden sling his bag over his shoulder. His piercing blue eyes stare at my greenie brown ones.

He smiles at me, showing his perfect white teeth. I smile back, trying really hard not to look at his chest, where his thin, white V-neck outlines his muscular figure very, very well.

"So what do we have next?" He asks me, leaning against the wall outside the classroom.

"Um, it's first break, but don't eat from the cafeteria, the food is poison," I tell him with a slight laugh, scratching my ear lobe. He chuckles and his slender fingers graze mine as my hands drops, we both pull away and I look down at my ruffed-up sneakers.

There is an awkward silence where Hayden looks over to the door to the cafeteria and I say quickly, realizing that he has no friends,"But you can come and sit by my friends and I."

"Thanks Megan," he flashes another of his breathtaking smiles,I nod at him and start walking towards our usual spot,he follows next to me.


When we get to the bench,the girls are already there.

"Hi guys! This is-"

"Who's the hunk?" Annabell buts in,Samara and Daniella nod, not even bothering to say hello to one of their best friends.

Hayden smiles at them and I can see Daniella and Samara blush.

"Hayden Jones, it's a pleasure to meet you ladies," Daniella twirls her hair at him while Samara puts her elbows together on the table, leaning forward.

"That is Daniella, Samara and Annabell," I say pointing at the three girls.

Daniella moves up so Hayden can sit next to her,"Can I ask you a question Hayden," she flutters her eyelashes.

"What do you wanna know, sugar plum?"

She giggles quietly, looking down at her feet before glancing through her eyelashes up at Hayden," Wanna sit next to me?"

"Um.. Sure, why not." He slips in next to Daniella and her delighted expression.

While this ridiculous exchange is going on, I slip in next to him and Annabell.

"Oh Annabell, where is James?" I question, unzipping my bag.

Her face lights up at the sound of her boyfriends name," He is on his way, he just texted me.''

I nod and take out my packed lunch, noting that my mom has given me a cookie, it's an oat and raisin cookie, but still a cookie.

James appears from behind the tree and I see that Joe is behind him. He is still wearing Andrews clothes-
My stomach is tying itself into nots as they approach the table. Hayden glances over to me, evidently noticing my discomfort, he rubs slow circles with his thumb on my hand to comfort me, I offer a quick small smile as a way to quietly thank him.

"Salutations my friends!" James cries, Annabell stands up from her seat to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. A dusting of pink appears on his face, a glance of affection is shared between them. He sits down next to her and slides his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She gives him another kiss, on the lips this time, the rest of the girls and I groan,

" Talk about PDA guys!"

"Get a room!"

"Go sit somewhere else! This is the lonely hearts club!"

We all laugh at Samara's last comment, I glance quickly at Joe, his eyes catch mine and for a perfect moment, I feel that every thing is going to be fine and I'm safe.

The magical moment is broken when Joe looks at Hayden, his hand still on mine, Joe's eyes darken and I feel the air around us get heavy and tense. Hayden pulls his hand away from mine like he has touched a boiling kettle on white hot coal, he then glances up at Joe who, you can see, is gritting his teeth. Hayden moves up quickly as Joe walks over and plonks himself in between Hayden and I.

Joe glances over at the uneaten cookie in my hand, a mysterious glint appears in his deep brown eyes, and he grabs it and shoves it hole in his mouth. I try to suppress my laughter as a look of confusion, discomfort and anger takes over his features. You can see his tongue poking around in is mouth when it touches the inside of his cheek. He furries his eyebrows one last time before spitting the half chewed, soggy biscuit out.

"You know that I despise people who put raisins in cookies?" He exclaims angrily, still spraying crumbs out of his mouth.

I giggle, biting my lip as he carries on," Who on this cruel planet decided that raisins were a suitable substitute for chocolate chips?" He gags as his tongue finds some other remnants of the now destroyed cookie,"Is this what I think it is?" He now stands up,"Who the F**k puts oats in a cookie!"

Every body is watching his performance as he is now shaking his head and crossing his arms at me with a look that can only be described as annoyance.

"Those are my moms cookies actually Joe," I lie to him, standing up with a smug look on my face.
His eyes widen and his one hand rushes to his mouth," Oh no! Please don't tell your mom what I said about her.. Um delicious cooking!"

Did I mention that I am top in the grade for acting?

I cover my eyes and forehead, mentally facepalming at his comment," My mom doesn't cook, or bake or even know where the on button on the microwave is!"

I sit down and the girls, James, Hayden and I laugh at his startled expression, a light shade of race is clearly displayed on his face. Joe shakes it off, trying to look casual as he looks for something to lean on,"I knew that," he scoffs, then failing miserably at his attempt to look cool by falling off the table seat and onto the ground.

We all break into a further fit of laughter, Joe manages to sit up, rubbing his back and wincing as his attempt to stand up fails yet again," While you lot are giggling your asses off, could one of you please help me?" A look of anger, frustration and annoyance is on his face.

I sigh, still laughing quietly, I get up and grab his wrist, he grabs mine back, doing the fireman pull up, I manage to get his lazy ass up of the ground.


Sup peeps! Rn I am on a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean ocean with hardly any service yet I am blessed with the presence of the holy wifi! Yay! Oh cake for tea!!!!!

Oh sorry, where was I? Oh right, I am so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated! I'll do another one next week! I promise! Maybe even on Saturday? Well I'll see if I can find a cafe or something in a harbor or a town...

Okie bye! Luv u! X times Infinity!!!!


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