I Go To Hell And Back, Literally

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When I wake up I'm not in the guidance councillors office anymore. I'm in DOA studios. I'm dead? No, I can't be. I walk over to the reception desk, where Charon sits.

"Hi, Charon," I say as excitedly as I can get.

"Annabeth? Is that you? How did you die?" He asks.

"That's what I'd like to know. How I died, I mean. Can I have a look in the Crystal Ball?" I ask.

"Sure. Annabeth Chase, her death." He says to the Crystal Ball. It takes me back to the place, and moment of my death. Suddenly I'm back in Mrs Perky's office watching my death, and after. Chiron hit me with the sword. I paled and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Percy tries, and is still trying to resuscitate me. Chiron defeats the fury, and runs to Percy's side. They carry my lifeless body back to the infirmary. Percy goes and gets Mr Fast and my friends. When he comes back he is followed by all the girls in my class and Mr Fast. The girls are crying their eyes out. All except Glimmer, who stands over my body smiling. What kind of person is she? Well, obviously not a nice, flipping person anyway. All of a sudden I'm sucked back into my body. I black out.

When I wake up again, twelve faces are looking down at me ( the nine girls including my friends, Chiron, Percy and Mr Fast).

"She's alive!" Percy cries. He kisses me. I dodge the first one, but can't avoid the next one. Right on the lips. I wince, all the girls (except Glimmer, surprise, surprise) sigh dramatically.

"Okay girls, we must head back to class to finish working. That includes you, Percy." Mr Fast says. Everyone files out. When Glimmer passes the bed she bends down and whispers to me, "watch it, Demi-god, or you're next." What I whisper back shocks her.

I whispered;

"Watch it, bitch, I know fifty different ways to to kill someone with a sword. You better watch your back, girly. Run along."

Was that too harsh? No. Did she really deserve that? Hell to the yes. Percy walks past and sits down next to me.

"Hey, Annabeth, sorry about all that kissing stuff. I didn't know what I was doing." He says

"It's okay, I liked it." I'm shocked at what comes out of my mouth.

"Really?" Percy perks up.

"Yeah." I want to kick myself.

"Well, would you like to go out to the movies sometime?" He asks.

"Sure, that would be nice." I want to DROWN myself.

"How about this Saturday?" He suggests.

"Sure, what time?" I say sweetly, wait, sweetly!

"Eight thirty?" He asks.

"Awesome, I'll just write down the address so you can pick me up." I say.

"Don't you live with your parents?" He asks.

"No. I live with Tris and her family. They adopted me." I reply quietly. I write down the street.

"See ya' later." He says. When he leaves I punch my self repeatedly. My mum walks in.

"Hi, Annabeth." She says.

"Hi Mum." I reply.

"Gonna come home?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll get my things." When I stand up my legs give out beneath me. I crumple to the floor in a big expatriated sigh.

"Do you want me to get you a wheelchair?" Mum asks.

"That would be nicer than dragging myself up two flights of stairs." I say jokingly.

"Back in a sec." She runs out to the nurse. I haul myself onto the bed again. I think about my date with Percy on Saturday. I look down at my watch. It is like an i-Phone, but miniaturised down to a watch. It's Friday. My date is tomorrow! I need to find something to wear! Ugh! I'll have to find something when I get home. Annabeth! Calm down. You can just wear jeans and a top, with your denim jacket. Sounds like a plan. Mum comes back in with a wheelchair. I shift from the bed to the chair. I wheel myself out of the room.


When I get home, I wheel into my room with a McDonald's bag with my lunch in it. I dump my school bag and lunch onto my desk. I wheel straight over to my walk in closet. My mum and dad are rich, so I've got a whole king size room to myself. When I get inside I see all my designer clothes, shoes and makeup on the left side, and Camp Half-Blood clothes, jeans, converse and denim jackets on the right. Oh and the makeup counter in the back of the room, where I get my hair done everyday. I take out a lace and denim jacket, with a pair of old, holey jeans, a plain white blouse and a pair of black converse. Per-fect!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2013 ⏰

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