School Fiction

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Today is the first day of year 6. I run over to my classroom, anticipating a fun year at school. I look on my class list. I find my friends names on the list, finding a new girl in my class. I pay no attention to her, the only attention is to know her name. It's Glimmer (F.Y.I. This is fictional-character school). I run to the the library. There is an old sign on the door that says , "No mortals, muggles, Erudite, Capitol persons, Kindly Ones, Death-eaters etc. " I laugh when I look at it. Well I can interpret it. I have dyslexia. I push open the old, creaky wooden door. Inside I find Demi-gods, wizards, Dauntless, tributes. The usual. I find my friends sitting at the same old table, where we meet every year. I find Tris, Hermione, Marlene. There is someone else sitting with them. It has to be Glimmer.

"ANNABETH!" They all scream. Well, nearly all of them. Glimmer sits there really confused. I pull out my Yankees cap and slap it on my head quick-fast. I disappear. They look around where I was standing. I smile to myself. I move over to the seats they were sitting on. I sit down and take the cap off of my head. I sat next to Glimmer. She looks at me, doubly confused. When they see me, they moan. Tris sits down next to me.

"How was Camp Half-Blood?" She asks.

"It was good, Athena beat Ares in capture the flag. And Grover got me to Camp safely this time. There was a newbie this summer. It was Percy," I say coolly. There mouths drop at my last statement.

"Has he been determined?" Marlene asks.

"Yeah. Son of Poseidon. We went on a quest. We went to the Underworld. Percy killed Medusa, by the way. Yada, yada, yada." I say. There mouths drop to the floor. Percy enters the room, he waves at me. I smile and wave back, my Yankees baseball cap in hand. He laughs.

"He," Tris says shocked.

"Killed," Hermione quips.

"Medusa?!" Marlene screeches.

"Yes. Stop making it so obvious. Demi-gods are supposed to keep quiet about killing things!" I whisper quietly. I wave Percy over. He comes and sits next to Mar. She looks at him weirdly. He turns and looks at me.

"What did you tell them?"

"Oh, nothing," I say, nonchalantly and wave my hand dismissively.

"Annabeth, you're lying," He states suspiciously.

"Am not!" I whisper/yell.

"Are too!" Percy argues.

"Am not!"

"Am not!" Percy says.

"Are too!" I reply smugly. "Damnit! Percy!" I whine.

"Ha! If I can't get it out of you, I'll ask Mar," he quips. I swipe to hit him, missing terribly. Instead I hit Tris. Who is sitting in between me and Percy. Tris swears. I apologise.

"Hey Mar, what did Annabeth tell you?" He asks. Marlene and Percy have been friends since they were babies. She sends me a sympathetic look, she can't lie to Percy. Besides, she's a terrible lier.

"She told us you are son of Poseidon, you went on a quest, you killed Medusa. That's about it," Marlene say sorrily.

"Annabeth, you weren't meant to tell anyone." He says worriedly.

"Ha ha." I laugh weakly.

"Gotcha!" He yells.

"Wha- Percy! You tricked me! I'm going to find Mr Brunner. By the time I'm done with you, you'll need his wheel-chair." I say coldly.

"You still got Riptide, Perc?" Marlene asks, jokingly.

"With me all the time, Mar." He replies. When he was looking at Mar, I quickly put on the cap. No-one noticed. I stood up and walked out of the library. When I reached the door I heard them saying, "where is she?" Or "was she serious?!" I laugh. I closed the door. When I get outside I take off the cap. I take a deep breath. Why was Glimmer looking at Percy so weirdly? Do you think she likes him? Who are you talking to Annabeth? Oh that's right, yourself. The bell rings. I put the cap back on and run to the classroom.

When I get into the classroom I walk to my locker, inside are my school books. They're written in Ancient Greek. You see, I'm dyslexic. My brain isn't wired for English, it's wired for Ancient Greek. My mother is a Olympian. Not an Olympic competitor, a Greek God. My mother is Athena. I walked over to my friends, who had surrounded Percy. I put my cap on, and slipped in the circle next to Percy. I pulled Riptide out of his pocket. I activated him. All of a sudden there was a floating sword swaying around in the air. My friends screamed and ran away. I was so concentrated on getting the sword out soundlessly I didn't here him coming.

"Miss Chase, you know the rules. No yielding dangerous weapons in the classroom." The teachers voice is ice cold. It sends shivers down my back, and still does. I then realised he had taken my cap off of my head.

"Annabeth! You took Riptide!" He says agitated.

"Did you really want to be mobbed by those other girls?" I say equally agitated.

"Maybe I like being popular, Annabeth!" He yells at me angrily.

"Both of you, to the councillor!" Mr Fast commands. Both of us look from him to Glimmer. We exchange looks, and groan. He gives us a slip of paper for the guidance councillor to fill out. I take the sheet and pull Percy out the door.

"Come on, sea weed brain." I say pulling him down the stairs.

"Did you know Glimmer was Mr Fast's daughter?" He ask me.

"Not a clue," I say. "Did you notice how she was looking at you?"

"No. Was she looking at me weirdly?" He asks.

"More like dreamily, she was looking at you like Aphrodite looks at Ares." I say dreamily. "Ah, true love. Are you sure you didn't take that scarf? All of the girls, except me, were flocking you." He groans at my last statement.

"I know, it was a little weird. But, are you sure you didn't take? Because all the boys were staring at you." He states. Now it's my turn to be grossed out.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" I cry.

"What?!" Percy asks.

"Some of the love dust spread on Aphrodite's scarf must have gotten on our skin!" I exclaim. We both stopped walking.

"Then how come we're not attracted to each other?" He asks warily.

"I. . .I don't know." I reply. "Maybe it's because we know each others true selves?" I suggest.

"Annabeth, when did you start to look so pretty?" He asks. When he says this my eyes widen.

"Okay, you really need to talk to the councillor now," I say.

After ten minutes of Percy complementing me and trying to kiss me we finally arrived at the guidance councillors office. I haul him inside. Inside sits Mrs Perky, the schools loyal councillor.

"So, fighting with Percy and yielding dangerous weapons in class is a new fad, hey?" She says patiently.

"Hi, to you too." I say exhaustedly. I led/hauled Percy all the way from the year three classrooms ( Mrs Perky's office is on the other side of the school). After a little chat, she asks me why Percy is so quiet.

"You know how we got Ares shield out of Waterland? We found Aphrodite's scarf and some of the love dust came off and fell on our skin. He complemented me and tried to kiss me all the way here." I say agitated yet again. Mrs Perky chuckles to her self.

"It's not funny!" I counter. Mrs Perky gets angry at this defence. Suddenly her skin turns the most horrible shade of purple. Mrs Perky is a fury!

"You have the fleece! Where is it!" She howls.

"Percy! Come on! We have to go!" I plead. He tries to kiss me. He succeeds. Right on the lips. Ewwww!

"Mr Brunner!" I shout. I know his classroom is only next door. When that's fails, I run over to the tap and turn it on. I repeat the chant to send and Iris-message to Mr Brunner. I know he has his coffee right about now.

"Mr Brunner! I whisper.

"Annabeth?" He asks worriedly.

"Mrs Perky. . .fury. . .help. . .next door. . .Percy. . .in love. . .me. . .help" I gasp. Mr Brunner bursts through the door in centaur form. He gets Riptide off of Percy. He activates him. He swings at Mrs Perky, but he misses.

And hits me instead.

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