The Love For Death

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The Love for Death

An appearance of death consumes her,

Black eyes of a serpent, her change inadvertent,

The echoes of evil spirits will stir.

With the innocence from Heaven above,

She’s a woman of sin, not letting anyone in,

My heart aches still for her love.

Watching her dance in the moonlight,

Does she avoid the day; only at night will she play?

Always keeping her within my sight.

Her existence leaves my mind distraught,

Is this my game, or is she to blame,

She lives and breathes in my every thought.

With pouty lips the shade of amber.

Wishing one day to kiss, after sharing our tryst,

Until then my life feels somber.

Dark eyeliner to match her rayless hair,

Silky skin angel white, wishing to hold her very tight,

A devilish smirk with her noxious stare

Aware of my looming presence nearby,

In high heels she walks, a new fear now embarks

To explicate my affection I intend to try.

Drawing near me my body feels numb,

My heart begins to pound, as my arms feel bound,

The scent of her body compares to none.

Sending grace and seduction to entrap my mind,

With her gentle touch, a tease not so much,

She leans toward me for a kiss to find.

A desire for an intimate kiss no peck,

Her fingers through my hair, a life I hope to share,

Her teeth sink deep into my neck.

My body in shock with her surprise,

As my blood now flows, her intention now shows

With my body in her arms as it slowly dies.

A life with one I once loved with all my heart,

Taking my life from my body, a scene that’s ungodly,

A last vision of her smile my soul now will depart.

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