Chapter 19 : Cursed?

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Days passed by, months passed by, we were already eight months down by then. Eight happy months, indeed.

It was mid of December and Christmas holidays were going to start in few days. Everything was going perfect. It seemed to be a perfect relationship. No fights, no hard words, only love and happiness.

I could have never asked for something other than such a wonderful life. Who knew it would be cursed by someone later? Or maybe the way of interpreting it took us that bad.

It was my birthday coming up in January. I was pretty excited about it, and Shatakshi too. She had already reminded that there was only a month to go for my birthday and they would spend it together, either virtually or in reality. The things we were going to do on my birthday, my gifts, party and what not.

A few days later.

"Who the hell is Shivam? What does he mean to you Shatakshi?" I asked bluntly.

I enraged over her as she had uploaded a picture on Instagram with this guy standing close to him and wrapping his hand over her waist.

"He is just a good friend Vihaan! Why are you getting so angry on me?😢" Shatakshi mumbled.

"Why has he wrapped his hand around your waist? What kinda good friend?" I stunned over her.

"Vihaan, we were just clicking a picture! So he wrapped his hand in a formal manner for the picture!" She argued.

"Why do you need such pictures with that guy? And those captions with a heart and cute tags?" I asked.

"Do you think I am cheating on you Vihaan? You know, I love you more than anyone. Why are you doing this to me?" She said, in low tone.

"Its not about cheating. You already know, I am possessive about you. I even told you before not to upload such pictures, didn't I?" I quarrelled.

"Yes, you did! I am so sorry Vihu! I won't upload it again, and delete the previous one too. Just don't be angry over me." She said.

"There is no need to do that stuff now. Its okay. I am not against you uploading a picture with some guy, but, just some cool pictures as colleagues or an acquaintance. And not apply those tags. I am possessive, I am jealous, I love you!" I said.

"Yes, I understand. I am so sorry😢 I will look at it the next time. Please forgive me!" She cried.

"So, you mean you are going to upload it the next time too? Wow, great!" I grappled.

"No, no! I did not mean that Vihaan. You are taking me in a wrong manner. Please understand. I meant I won't upload such pictures again and take care about those tags and captions. I love you, please." She cried.

"Its okay! Just forget it! There is no need to talk about it now. Talk to you later." I said.

Shatakshi sent me about 23 messages, but I was so upset that I did not reply to any. She even called a few times, but all I would do, is keep it on silent.

Had our problems already started? Was it going to end soon? Or will we manage to keep up with our same old love?


Everyone's life has a number of ups and downs.

God does not endow a fully "happy forever" life to anybody. Is he mean or just want us to learn something from it?

Neither be so energised and confident about the future in your happy days, nor be so sad and pressurised in your sad days. Tomorrow is the change.
-Manav Shah.

Aah, I am sorry! I know this chapter was quite small.

Please give your vote and comments. It means a lot and motivates me to write more. More the votes, better the quality.

Love you all.

Thank you, and happy reading❤

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