Momma Bear Alert

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It has been a few months since the Volturi incident and Edward is positive they don't know about Eva's exists. Bella and Edward were engaged, Bella is still grounded. But Eva is no longer ground and spends most of her time with her bet friends. She is twelve now and her cat Denali was over a year old. He spends most of his day wandering around to forest or town. But comes home at meal times or when Eva calls him. Eva just started her freshmen year in high school, because of her outstanding grades.

Right now she was watching a MA rated movie with her Dad and Uncles whilst everyone else was out hunting. Her mother would never allow Eva to watch a M rated movie, let alone a MA one. Which is why they watch the movies in secret when the female vampires and leader are away. They are out hunting and are not due to come back for another three hours yet. The rule breakers had just started their second movie of the night as the microwave beeped. Signaling the second patch of popcorn was ready there was a chorus of "Not It!" But Emmet was too slow and had to go get the popcorn. He sighed and got up telling us to wait for him and asking if we wanted anything. Eva asked for some more snakes and Jasper wanted another can of Pepsi. Edward didn't want anything and when Emmet left they pressed play on the movie. Which happened to be one of Emmet's favorites 'Starship Troopers' the first movie.

Suddenly the front door slammed open and Rose appeared in the door way looking angrily at the two male vampires in the room. "Jasper, there was no Pepsi left is Pepsi max ok?" Emmet asked from the kitchen. "You better have not started the second movie without me guys" he said walking into the room. Noticing the tension he looked around the room and nearly dropped the popcorn, when he saw his angry mate glaring at. "Rose this isn't what it looks like, Eva you should be asleep" Emmet tried to appear innocent.

It didn't work "how could go behind my back and watch MA rated films with our daughter" Rose said calmly. A little to calmly in her daughter and mates opinion. Edward and Jasper tried to sneak out, but Denali caught them and alerted Momma bear (Rose). "Where do you think you two going?" Rose demanded. "Sit down all of you and turn off the TV" Rose order the four trouble makers.

After telling them all off Eva went to bed, whilst the boys went to hunt themselves. The girls and Carlisle stayed home Esme was about to clean up the mess they mad. But Rose stopped her saying the boys will do it when they get back.

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