Jacob Gets Hurt

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Eva headed straight for her parents after hoping off Seth's back so that he become human again. Rose and Emmet ran to their daughter as Emmet hugged her. Rose kept looking for ant injuries even though Eva assured them she was fine. Suddenly a newborn attacked Leah, Jacob stopped him but ended up getting hurt. Two of the other wolves got the vampire off him and killed it. But the damage was already done and Jacob changed back into human, because he was into to much pain to stay in wolf form.

Alice said that the wolves and Eva had to leave, the Volturi were coming. The older pack members carried Jacob away from the clearing, with Eva following them with Seth and Leah at her side. They got to the Black's house and shortly after Carlisle arrived to tend to Jacob wounds. He had to re-brake his bones, because his fast healing had already started. Seth was holding Eva close, as she tried to block out Jacobs screams of pain. She knew she and Seth would have to talk about him imprinting on her. But it would have to wait until later, because Jacobs health was everyone's main priority at the moment.

When Bella arrived she asked Billy what was happening, putting a hand on his shoulder. Leah was saying how Jacob was an idiot and that could of handled the newborn alone. But she shut up when Sam told her to. Carlisle came out saying Jacob would be fine and that he gave him some morphine for the pain. However, Jacobs body temperature burn it soon. "His asking for you Bella, Eva it's time to go home" Carlisle told the two girls. Bella went into the house and Eva said goodbye to the wolves not looking at Seth. She followed her Grandpa to the car and he drove them home, where she changed into her pj's and called it a night. Without saying goodnight to anyway, but the sleeping cat on her bed.

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