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Brody's p.o.v

Sighing out frustratedly, I ran my hand across my head messily and annoyed, messing my hair up even more.

My mind instantly went back to the call, making me a million times more pissed and angered.

I see you.

Those were the first ever words he had said to me when he spotted me spying on him due to his out-of-place character at the diner— jet black hair, two piercings on each ear and above his left eyebrow, smooth yet hard features—dead and cold black eyes, a sharp nose, a thin and firmly placed lips and a very defined jaw, he wore a black leathered jacket paired with a dark t-shirt, black jeans and worn out boots.

Everything about him screamed danger, yet I couldn't help but to get curious over this mysterious man.

This was the second time he had it to me, this time filled with hatred and disgust and saying that I was a betrayer to him.

I know you.

Those were the words he said to me when I was so reluctant to do a job requested by him. I was his 'favorite student', his 'best man' and he always favored me the most.

I hadn't wanted to do it, I knew it was wrong. I couldn't do it. It's impossible. The screaming and the sound of the knife slicing through his skin, muscle, tissue and finally plunging into his heart, stopping all circulations. I hadn't know what to do, my heart freezing up and skin pricking as I slowly but surely took out the blood stained knife, entire body numbing up. I took off my mask and hung my head, willing tears not to show up.

He's evil,

He's a bad guy, nothing but blood on his hands,

He told me once.

I looked up at the man dying on the ground, tears spilling out.

He opened his mouth to gasp, but all that could come out was a soundless scream, as his eyes popped wide open as he realized who his killer was.

He died, the last look on earth was his own murderer. He didn't even had the chance to tell his wife that he loved her, not a chance to make up with her from the day before, where his words were 'I fucking hate you!' before he went out, slamming the door after him, leaving his wife crying and heartbroken.

He died not having a chance to see his son graduating this year, his biggest wish was seeing his beloved son graduating high school because he couldn't cope with it financially and emotionally.

How could I be so heartless and kill my own father?

Now he's back, haunting me with the words that sent me through hell and nightmares and waking up every night, sweating and panting because I can't, can't, can't get all the screaming and pain and disbelief out of my head.

I'll come find you.

Those were the words he once said to me when I asked him about him at the diner, he said he hadn't had time to 'sit down and discuss about life' with me then.

Did he finally have time to come and find me to talk?

Is he finally keeping that one promise he hadn't been keeping for the last two years?

Is he finally coming to end my life?

And I'll get your girl.

This was something different.

Completely different.

Back then, I don't do dating, I couldn't. I knew the high stakes. But I thought it all changed when I moved here, I thought he wouldn't be able to track me here, I thought he'll forget about me.

I was wrong.

Utterly wrong.

My heart starts clenching together like a fist as I replayed his last words to me before I had hung up on him.

And I'll get your girl.

And I'll get your girl.

And I'll get your girl.

'Fuck!' I screamed out and banged the steering wheel hard with my hands.

I breathed in and out deeply, trying to keep my anger in control and not burst out and lashing at some random passerby.

I can't afford to get emotional now, I have things to fix and people to protect.

Speaking of emotional, what the hell is Skylar doing to me and what the hell am I doing around her?


author's note:

yea yea I know I haven't introduce the bad guy's name but y'know, at least now he's in the plot :-)

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this was quite something isn't it? lmao.


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