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"Well, you two are sure on time for class today," Ms Ong said to us while looking at our behavior through her narrowed eyes, "Even earlier, actually."

"Oh...Good morning Ms Ong, I didn't realise you'll be here so early," I replied, awkwardly. Considering Brody hasn't put me down yet. And because of that, I'm not exactly facing Ms Ong.

See, when someone puts you on their shoulder, your butt will be facing their face, or any other passerby, which means right now, as I'm speaking to Ms Ong, my butt is facing her...and get what's happening.

"Please, take a seat."

Brody made his way to the back of the class, with me still on his shoulder and his arms wrapping over my legs.

He placed me down gently onto a random chair and sat onto another one, directly to my right.

He grinned," Wasn't that fun?"

"Fun my foot." I snorted, unattractively mind you.

Brody was about the say something else when his eyes averted to the class door.

It was Queen of England.

I'm kidding.

But I wouldn't be surprise if she became the Queen though.

That's right, it's none other than Jane friggin' Holland.

Was she ever in my math class?

"Oh mi god! Such a coincidence, am I not right, Brody?" Jane said, while batting her eyelashes together so quickly I'm surprised that her fake lashes haven't came out yet.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Brody replied casually, clearly not aware of her sarcasm...I think.


That was the school bell indicating that class was starting in five minutes and I couldn't be any happier.

As if on cue, classmates started filling up the class by sitting down on their sits. All the girls glanced at Brody, sighed before sitting down. They giggled like little fangirls with their friends. Brody noticed and smiled and whispered to me, "Look, they've already fallen for me. Brody Marksman wins at life, thank you."

I rolled my eyes.

I looked to my right where Brody was sitting at and realised Jane was gone.

That's right, you little slut, I thought.

I scanned the room and saw Jane sitting on the lap of Benedict James, her boyfriend-but-not-exactly-boyfriend.

The bell went off again.

Great, let's get on with Math then.


"And, that's the end of today's lesson. Remember there's a quiz next week, be prepared for the test, or to fail it, whichever suits your mood." Ms Ong dully said.

I guess after teaching high school students for more than ten years, she's quite done with our attitudes, especially when it's quizzes.

Can't blame her though.

"I'm so beat. I need my lunch now. Let's go!" Brody whined to me.

I gave him a look that said why-would-I-take-you-to-lunch?

I don't know whether it was because my face saying, or showing, it accurately or Brody has psychic powers that are able to read minds, but he answered, "Because I'm hungry, Skylar. A man do need his nutrients to grow this strong and muscular, alright?" He puts on a show and flexed his muscles.

I faked a motion and placed my hand over my eyes, like I'm looking very hard trying to find something, "I'm sorry, but why is there a small pebble on your arm? Take it off, who do you think you are, Onix?"

He feigned hurt, catching on my act quickly, "I'm sorry, but did you just refer me to a Pokemon character? That's just rude! It's quite a cool Pokemon, Skylar! It h—"


I dropped my smile that I didn't know I had on and turned around, along with Brody who looked up and past me.

"Oh, hi Kara, what are you—"

"Who's this?" Kara said, interrupting me for what seemed like the fourth time today, ignoring my question as her all her attention focused on the tall boy behind me.

I was about to introduce her to Brody but stopped short when I saw what Kara was doing.

The most gut-wrenching, hated move I've ever seen her done to every other boy at parties when she's drunk or high, or in school every time she finds a cute boy on her radar.

She starts batting her eyelashes and slowly twirling a piece of her brown, luscious hair.

I felt Brody stiffened behind me, clearly not used to all this attention by girls, especially flirty ones.

"This is Brody. Brody, Kara. Kara, Brody." I said, gesturing my hands around between them, trying to cut the awkwardness that started filling the air around us.

As if moving my hands around could automatically turn them into knives and slice the thick awkwardness that blanketed us like butter.

Kara, not sensing the awkwardness between us three, or rather, them two, asked, "Hi, Skylar and I were just about to get lunch, do you wanna join us?"

I turned back to look at Brody.

He cleared his throat and looked back at me for a split second before looking at Kara but she saw what happened and shot daggers at me the same time I turned back.

"Sure, why not."


author's note:

hi !! fun fact; i edited this right after i edited chapter one woops, so much for a chronological order. anyyyyways, don't forget to vote !! i'm rlly excited about this series :D

also ! this part only has about 900 words as compared to chap one which has about 1400?? idk man, i can't write.

p.s brody may or may not have just fucked up and shit may or may not be going down.

Started As Strangers, Ended As LoversWhere stories live. Discover now