Chapter V: Home Sweet Home.

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As we get further down the path, we begin to see the smoke of a nearby house. "OH MY GOSH! I see it!!" Brookelynn says as she begins to walk faster. "Brookelynn we don't need to be there immediately let's relax a little." I say watching Brookelynn begin to race Spot. "Come on Cameron, the faster we get there the faster we can save Chloe and put this mess behind us!" she says back. By this time, the forest we are in is green. And not as creepy as the beginning of the forest. And as we get closer to the house, it finally comes into view. It's made of grey stone with little gold squares surrounding the windows and door. The door is made of oak, and has a brown tarnish. There is a thunder symbol on the door holding a little ring so you can knock with it. The roof is a purple color. Like wild crocus in a field. We knock on the door softly. "Gosh, Cameron he is our best friend. We want him to know it's us!" Brookelynn says as she bangs on the door. "Jacob it's us!". The door opens, and we see Jacob standing there with this look as if he thought we were going to rob him or something. He is wearing a purple and yellow monk robe, and a purple hat with the same colors. "Look Brookelynn, you scared the man." I say to Brooke. "Oh it's you guys... come on in! Have a nice cup of tea!" Jacob says greeting us into his home. Me and Brookelynn walk into Jacob's house, and it looks like a 19th century house in england. We sit at the coffee table on the couch. Jacob leaves the room and comes back with a pot of tea and some tea cups. He sits down on the couch across the table from me and Brooke, and sets the tea cups and tea pot on the table. "So what are you guys doing here at this fine day." Asks Jacob. "Jacob, we need your help." Brookelynn states. "With what exactly?" He asks again. "Chloe is in danger. And we must save here." Brookelynn says as Spot jumps onto her lap. I give Spot on apple, and Spot lays down and munches on the apple. "Oh.. Whats going on with Chloe? Did she get married to a guy, and he ended up being evil."

"No she was kidnapped by the evil fransico. And he wants to steal her heart, and use it for black magics and stuff like that."

"Oh. Well how can I help." He asks. "You need to come with us, we will find fransico and put him to an end." I say. "And I pretty sure we should all get some rest, pack a few things and leave tomorrow morning, is that ok?"

"Ok sounds good." Says Jacob as he stands up to start packing. "The guest bedrooms are across the hall from my room. Make yourselves at home." He says to me and Brooke. Me and Brookelynn walk down the hall into our rooms. "Goodnight Cameron! Goodnight Jake!" Brookelynn says leading Spot into the room. "Night." I say back. I enter into my room, It has black walls with stars painted on them, the stars are so nice they look just like the night sky. I lay on the blue bed. And look at the ceiling. Also black with stars, but it has a moon as well. As I close my eyes, the door begins to close. "Goodnight Cameron." Jacob whispers as he closes the door. I begin to sleep.

I open my eyes, I am in a forest. There is a fog, little glowing bugs everywhere. I begin walking through the forest. Around the path there are glowing blue flowers. And I come upon a wall with a door. I try to open the door, I pull as hard as I possible can. And then a trap door beneath me opens and I fall into it. I land in some water, with lily pads. The walls are made of stone bricks with moss growing through the cracks. But one wall is missing, it's just a black space as dark as the void itself. Two red eyes open in the blackness, and begins growling. Then something shoots out from the blackness and then...

I am awake sitting up in bed. It's pitch black. I look at the walls where the stars are glistening. I get up and begin to walk towards the door, the windows letting in the little moonlight the moon is giving off. I walk down the hall and look out the window into the forest. The wooden blinds are open a little, and I see the forest behind the garden fence. I quiver as I remember the terrible dream i just experienced. I walk back down the hall, and I open the door to Brookelynn's room. Her room is as blue as the sky, with clouds that seem to move around the middle and top of the walls, above the grass on the bottom of the walls. It's still dark. I pick up Spot and pet her on the head. As I carry her out of the room to have some company. Spot is sniffing my sleeves. "Are you Hungry?" I say looking at Spot. Spot oinks loudly and yawns. I give Spot another apple. Spot munches on it. "Oh Spot, why did chloe have to get herself into this mess." I whisper to Spot while sitting on the couch. "I guess one good things came out of this adventure, me and Brooke found you didn't we?" I say to Spot who is clearly paying more attention to the food then me talking. "Oh well, tomorrow we will hopefully get this over with." I say as I begin to fall asleep on the couch. Spot is done with her apple, and she cuddles up against me so she can sleep. I close my eyes, and I sleep once more.

I wake up to the sound of a chicken. "Goodmorning." Jacob says as he sips his tea sitting across the coffee table. Spot walks across the room and lays down on a pillow that has fallen unto the floor. "Goodmorning..." I say back. My dirty blonde hair is in a bed head. I lift my head off the end off the couch and sit up. "Did you wake Brookelynn? She has trouble getting out of bed." I ask Jacob.

"Yea I tried to. But then she kicked me in the leg, so I stopped." He replies. "Ugh ok, I'll go get Brooke." I stand up and attempt to walk in a non-tired fashion. I enter into her room. "Brooke get up or you will miss breakfast." I say looking at Brooke. She turns her head slowly and gives me the death stare. "Don't you give me that face. Get up."

"BUT WHY!?" She argues. " Because we have to leave soon." I argue back. "Ugh. FINE." She says as she gets up. I walk back down the hall and I bump into Jacob. "Oops... Sorry excuse me." I say. I get my backpack and set it down on the table. I open it and pull out my Boots of The Blizzard, Robes of the Frozen Ocean, and GreenWard's Hat of Healing. Magical Item I have that help my magical powers. I put them on and continue to the kitchen to pack more food. Brookelynn walks into the kitchen. "I'm ready." She says. She is wearing a black and white pilgrims hat, black shoes with white laces, and a black tuxedo that has a white bowtie. "Let us go." She says stepping out of the house, Spot close behind her. "Me too." Jacob says stepping out the door behind her. "Alright then, here we go." I say closing the door behind me as I step out.

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