Natalia - Chapter Fourteen

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"Natalia" It had a day or so since we talked since then the French armies have entered through Florence and they are heading towards Rome. I walked into the Pope quarters and bowed

"Your Holiness, Your Grace. You wished to see me?"

"Yes, child." The Holy Father began "We would have you with us, where our son and We can see you."

"I am afraid I do not understand your meaning Holy Father"

"My father has listened to my concerns for your safety. You may be of Orsini blood but you are seen as a Borgia now and that mean you are a target for our enemies at this tense time. So I have asked that you be close to me at all times."

"You really think that I would be a target but I have done nothing wrong"

"We know that but it is merely for your safety." I sighed admitting defeat.

"If you so wish it"

"Good now we have an ambassador to converse with" and his Holiness left


"We would review whatever forces we have at our disposal. Where's your brother?" His Holiness came fast approaching

"I know not Holy Father but I suspect..." he left the sentence there with a meaning of brothels

"Well then seek out the Gonfaloniere of the papal forces from whatever whore house he's seen fit to rest his head!" Cesare sighed

"Let us leave then"

"You would take me to a whore house?" I questioned

"You would wait outside" he pulled me up and led me away. I waited and waited till Cesare pulled his brother out of the whore house.

"oh you brought you toy" Juan commented and Cesare hit him.

"Do not speak a word against her do you understand?" Cesare came over and took my arm as we headed back to the Vatican.

I was lead down to the armoury with Cesare, Juan and His Holiness

"We have pikes for 2,000 footmen, lances for 1,000 horse, bows for 1,500 bowmen, of we can find the solider to wield them." we were told

"what about cannon?" I dared to ask

"Nobody worthy in the art of war ever uses cannons. My Lady"

"Well I've heard it rumoured the French do." I challenged

"And I have heard that they are vulgar, my lady."

"Their cannon was vulgar, indeed, when they brought Lucca to its knees." Cesare continued

"I have a stratagem, Holy Father, to outwit their cannons" Juan spoke up

"Would you be so kind as to share it with us?" the Holy Father asked he looked at us a little out of it and i could tell that he had nothing and was buying a little time

"Indeed. Just give me some time with my Condottieri"

"Time is what we do not have! The barbarians are approaching. Rome has been sacked twice in her past. We would spare her a third such indignity" His Holiness walked past us.

"Cardinal, My Lady" we followed him and Cesare went to change his robes . Once he did walked in front while His Holiness talked with his son. I heard that there was an assembly of the college of Cardinals and I was to wait outside. While I sat and waited I had brought a book to read. It wasn't long before the doors opened once more and His Holiness came out I stood and bowed. Cesare finally came out.

"What is happening?" I ask

"You are going to my room where you will be watched over Michaletto."

"I thought you wanted me close Cesare"

"I will not have you ear listen to anymore battle strategies."

"'I wish to have you close' you said"

"I know what I said Natalia, now go." I didn't move "Now!" I huffed and turned around

"You are like the weather sometimes" I mutter and storm off.


I sit in Cesare's room pacing up and down. He wanted me close then he didn't I am mad at him yet I am not.

"Be still my Lady, His Eminence will return soon"

"I'm not worried about his return. What unsettles me is he wants one thing then changes his mind. I was there when we went down to the armoury but he does not want me hearing what plan Juan will come up with. I mean it not like it will be great Juan cares more for women than strategies." the door opened and Cesare walked in.

"They are leaving. Come" we walked to see Juan and the papal army depart people or what's left of the people cheering from them. I stood away from the men as they talked.


We watched as the gates opened and in walked the army with Juan at the head of them. They looked tired.

"Do they look victorious Michaletto?"

"No, Your Eminence. They are merely tired and exhausted."

"The exhaustion of battle surely."

"The exhaustion of retreat."

"Is that why I see no prisoners?" I wondered

"You see no prisoners because there are none, my lady." I looked towards Cesare

"And Rome is like a old whore waiting once more for her ravishment."

"Natalia go to my room once more and Michaletto stay with her"

"Cesare" I warned but I was gently pushed and I stormed off annoyed


"Natalia!" Cesare stormed in "Michaletto leave us" he nodded and closed the doors behind him.

"What is happening."

"you will leave with my mother for Ostia"  he told me

"I beg your pardon?" I thought my ears deceived me

"You will leave till all of this is over, you shall be safe there." he opened the adjoining doors to my room and grabbed my dresses

"No." he stopped


"I said no. I'm not leaving and you cannot make me. Rome is my home and I will be here till the end"

"Do you not understand! The French are coming and they have weapon far greater than our own they have Lucrezia!"

"They do" he nodded "Then I will still stay here for she is coming here." he grabbed my arm and face

"I cannot see you harmed they will have no mercy and I don't want you in the cross fire " he stroked my face.

"God has given me many challenges and I have taken them all as I can, never have I run away. Now will not be any different."

"Do you have to be so stubborn" I laughed

"Does this mean I have won the argument"

"You are stubborn headed like my sister"

"We have a lot in common Lucrezia and I"

"If you are to stay they we will be in the shadows you will stay by my side, but promise me something if anything bad happens you take your mare and run like the wind"

"Never" I whispered he groaned and passed me my cloak I lifted my hood up.


The Borgia's - NATALIAWhere stories live. Discover now