Chapter Three

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Xavier looked at me with wide eyes. I didn't reconize him, but the guy he was kissing sprinted from the scene. I looked back down at Xavier, he was embarrassed. I realized my mouth was probably still hanging, and closed it immediately.

"Don't tell, please, don't tell. I know how what Annabell did earlier... gosh something's wrong with that chick." He paused to scratch his head. I saw tears forming in his eyes, and he tucked his knees into his body. "I can't get kicked out again"

"I won't" I whispered. "Mind if I sit down?"

I remembered I had to get to play practice, but I really didn't care anymore. I thought I was the only gay at school, but apparently not anymore, thank God. I couldn't miss this chance. Hopefully, I could come see Mr. Sines another time and audition. I sat down and looked at the tears stained on his sweatshirt. I had didn't know Xavier, but with the strong football build he had, you would never guess he even would know how to cry, that is, until you actually saw him crying.

"I'm gonna be known as a fag again!" he mumbled, his head on his knees.

"I said I wouldn't tell" I grumbled.

"I don't even know your name, but yet, I trust you" he said, looking up at me, his face all red. "I got kicked out of my old school for coming out to them. My parents couldn't take the names they were being called, they didn't even care about the pain I was enduring" He stopped to clear his throat. "So, the only choice we had was to move across the country, where nobody would know my past or my story. And yet, I still fuck it up"

I looked down at the green grass. It was terrible what he had to go through, and yet, here I was complaining about stuff when nothing that horrible had happened to me.

"Its not like you'd understand, but I just had to get that out" he said, and stared out into the horizon.

"Believe me, I do" I whispered. "I'm lesbian"

He hugged me and I was surprised. "I'm not alone, finally." I felt the tears--happy tears--dripping down his face and onto my back.

We let go of hugging, and suddenly, I thought of something.

"I think I have an idea to make this easier for both of us"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2011 ⏰

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