Chapter 1

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Hey guys thanks so much for reading this and hope you like it :) I hope to update my other book very soon x


Chapter 1

Krystel p.o.v

I sat down still not taking my eyes off him.

"Everyone!" Mr Jeffery shouted to get everyone's attention. "This is Niall Horan!"

"Isn't he adorable?" Charlie whispered to me and Destiny.

"Oh yes. Krystel where did you have to go?" Destiny answered.

I snapped out of staring at Niall who Sir was still introducing to the class.

"Oh uumm... I had to go and see Miss Hemmings about something." I answered. Lucky I was a skilled liar.

I turned back and looked at Niall. He was walking to his seat which was right next to me. Whilst he walked past we made eye contact. I had never met another wolfblood before apart from my family.


After History I walked out of class with Charlie and Destiny. We went to 'the dark room' where we held the photography club which only had three people in it, me, Destiny and Charlie. Although we mostly used it just to get away from everyone.

"So what do you think of that Niall kid?" Destiny started the conversation.

"He is really hot!" Charlie answered.

"He kept looking at you Krystel during history." Destiny said and they both looked at me. I just shrugged.

"Are you sure? He might have just been looking out the window." I said.

"Yeah, maybe but-" Charlie was cut off by some shouting outside.

We all looked at each other then ran out to see what's going on.

"Is that your lunch there Irish boy? Did mummy pack you some lunch?" James, one of the cool kid/bully of the school.

"Shutup!" Niall threw the leak he was holding back into his locker.

"Mind what you say to me leak boy! I know karate." James answered, why did he always have to start something off?

"Don't call me that!" Niall said with an angry tone to his voice.

"Call you what? Leak boy?" James said with a smirk on his face.

Niall slammed his locker shut, ran up to James jumped and pinned him to the floor.

Loads of people where gathering around now. I pushed through, I saw Niall and I saw his veins turning black.

I saw Jeffery walking down the corridor to investigate. I pulled Niall off James and dragged him to the dark room and locked the door behind me.

By now all his veins where black, his eyes where yellow and his fangs where growing.

"Get out, it-its not safe!" Niall said through growls.

"Hey, just calm down, its ok." I reassured him. But it was to late he was changing and within seconds there was a pure white wolf standing on the floor where Niall was.

He jumped up onto the desk and ran about, knocking everything over.

"NIALL!" I screamed at him. He stopped and looked at me but he still was moving about. I slowly started to bend down and he started to calm down.

Once I was sitting on the floor, I looked right into Niall's wolf eyes and made my eyes also go yellow. Now he should know what I am.

Niall sat down and then slowly turned back into human form.

"Your like me?" Niall asked in a shocked voice.

"Yeah." I said then we stood up. "We should probably go." I said walking towards the door.

"Uumm... sorry what's your name?" Niall asked me. I turned around to face him.

"Krystel Eastman" I answered.

"Ok.. uumm Krystel?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said. Niall pointed at my face.

"Your eyes are still bright yellow." He said with a small snicker.

"Oh right." I closed my eyes and thought of my warm, chocolate, brown eyes. Then opened them again. "Better?"

Niall nodded and then we went back out to go and get some lunch.


Sorry another short chapter, they will get longer soon I promise.

So what does everyone think of the story of my life?


Anyway hope you liked this chapter :) Hope to update 'a dream come true' soon. x

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