#1 Amusement Park together

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You two go to Cedar Point . You both decide to go on the Magnum because it's huge . You're going up the first hill and you thought you'd be totally fine . And then ... you start to get nervous . Your hands start to sweat and shake . Ashton looks over at you and says "Hey babe, you okay?" you say "Yeah .. Just a little nervous... I don't know why.." He says "It's okay babe I got you" and he takes your hand in his . You feel instantly better and enjoy the entire ride . Afterwards you two go and look at your picture and it's of you two screaming and looking at each other . It's super cute and Ashton buys it on a key chain . He immediately puts it on his key ring . You smile and are so happy you have a boyfriend as great as him .


You two go to Kings Island . You both love to walk around a lot as well as ride rides, and you decide to play a game together . The two of you choose a game where you have to squirt water into a small hole and whoever fills their tank up first, wins . He wins . And he gives you the teddy bear that he receives as his prize . After that you two rides some rides and at the end of the night, you two watch the fireworks before leaving . You kiss Mikey and thank him for such a great day .


You two go to Disney World . You love walking around and seeing all the different Disney characters in the costumes, and seeing all the amazing attractions . You two ride Space Mountain and have a blast . Following that, you ride Frontierland, Splash Mountain, and many other rides . You two are walking around and he stops for a second . You say "You okay Luke?" He says "Yeah I was just thinking.." 'What?" You say . He says "Oh.. I was just wondering how I was lucky enough to get a girl like you ." You blush and you two kiss . You love Luke so much .


You two go to Six Flags . First you ride Kingda Ka . Following that , you ride Bizzaro and Nitro . You two were having so much fun . "I love you Cal" you say to him with a smile . "I love you too sweety" He says back with a smile . You two kiss and the rest of the day is filled with fun rides and good times . You two finish out the day with riding Great American Scream Machine . It was so fun and it's time for you guys to go home . You had so much fun and can't wait to go back .

I realize all of those amusement parks are in the United States, but I don't know any from Australia . My apologies . But I hope you still liked it ! :)

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