#11 He's jealous of you and another band member

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Michael is out for the day, and you are super bored. So you decided to invite Luke over to hangout, since you two are becoming pretty good friends. You two watch your favorite TV show together, and then just talk for a while. You go to the kitchen to grab a snack, and as you try to get a bowl down from a shelf, you realize you can't reach it "Luke, can you come grab this bowl from the cabinet?" You yell to him in the other room. "Sure thang chicken wang" He says back. "Oh shut up" You laugh. When he walks in, you're still attempting to reach for the bowl. You're up on the counter, and you fall back, landing on top of Luke. "You klutz" He laughs, right as Michael walks in. "What the hell?" You hear Michael say. You look up and realize you're still laying on top of Luke. You quickly get up. "Michael, I was trying to get a bowl out of the cabinet, and I fell.." You say. "Maybe I should leave..." Luke says. "No. Stay. Nothing happened Michael and I want to know you trust that. I want to know you trust me. And your best friend." You say as you stare at Michael. "Alright." Michael says. "Alright?" You say. "Alright. If you say nothing happened, t-then I believe you." Michael says as he walks over and hugs you.


You, Ashton, and Calum had been hanging out when you realized that you had absolutely nothing to eat for dinner. That's a first. So Ashton runs to the store to go get stuff to eat. You and Calum start talking and you can't stop laughing at how hilarious he is. After a little while, you run to the bathroom and soon enough you realize there's no toilet paper. "CALUM!" you yell. "What?" He says back. "I NEED SOME TOILET PAPERR!" You yell back. "Ugh. Just a sec." and then he goes and gets some for you. You guys end up having so many inside jokes together, because you guys are great friends. When Ashton gets back, you all help unload the groceries and put them away. Calum says "Need me to get that for you too?" You both start laughing hysterically and Ashton says "huh?" You reply with "It's an inside joke. You wouldn't get it." Ashton says "Oh..." You say "No, Ash, I didn't mean it like that-" "I get it." He says. You grab his hand. "Ash." You say as you kiss him "I love you." You say with a smile. A smile grows upon his face too, and Calum says "Okay, okay, kids in love, we get it. jeez." You and Ashton then initiate a pillow fight, and the three of you have a great rest of the night.


Ashton and you have been best friends since as long as you can remember. You tell each other everything, and, it's just great to have a best guy friend like him. Today you decided to surprise your friend Ashton, and your boyfriend Calum at their rehearsal. You show up carrying 4 pizzas, that were quickly whisked away by Michael and (y/f/n). After that, you couldn't see Calum, but you saw Ashton. "Ash!" You say and run over to him. "Hey! (y/n)!" He says as he picks you up and holds you upside down. "ASHTON IRWIN PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" you yell, trying to hold back laughs. "MAKE ME!" he yells back. "Uh..... Hey (y/n)..." Calum says with an unamused look on his face. Ashon then puts you back down. "Hey babe." You say and walk over to kiss him. He turns his head and you kiss his cheek. "Cal?" You whisper to him. "What." He mutters under his breath. You pull him to the side. "What's wrong?" You ask him. "Why don't you go ask your favorite guy" Calum says. "My favorite guy? Are you being serious? Would I do this to 'my favorite guy'?" You take his hand and start leading him to their dressing room. "Be back in 10" you yell to the other boys as you see a cheeky smile grow upon Calum's face.


It was Michael's birthday today and all the guys and you were throwing him a party. The party was so fun and all of you had a blast. After a while of the party going on, they wanted to give him their presents that they bought him. They all give him their gifts and he takes his time and appreciates every single one of them. "Thanks guys" He says. "You guys really are the best of friends" He continues. "Not so fast, Michael. You're not done yet." You say. "Huh?" He says back with a puzzled look. You leave the room for about a minutes and you walk back in holding a very elaborate cake. "Wow (y/n) this is amazing!" Michael exclaims. "You better like it you little shit. I spent all day making it." You say back to him. Everyone looks at it in awe because of it's amazing detail and precision. "You never made me a birthday cake on my birthday ..." You hear Luke mutter under his breath. "I know I didn't.. But Michael also didn't get to do what you got to do that night. Remember?" You say with a wink. Luke's face turns red and you let out a giggle as he puts his arm around you, and you all enjoy the rest of the party.

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