#7 Your first kiss

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You and Ashton have been on a couple of dates already and tonight he was taking you out again. You two were going to a movie. He picks you up and you two head to the movie theatre. You get your tickets and popcorn and head in. The two of you hold hands through the entire movie and when it's over, he takes you home. He walks you to your door and right as you're about to say goodnight he kisses you. It was nice. Gentle, but nice. He takes your hands and looks at you "Night (y/n)" He says. "Night Ash" You say with a smile as you head inside.


You and Michael had been friends for a long time. Today he asked you to come over and hangout, so (of course) you said yes. You get ready and head over, and when you get there you two head up to his room. You both sit on his bed and he gets out his guitar. "I'm totally stumped on song ideas" He says. "I can help" You say with a smile. The two of you throw around song ideas for about an hour when you get a text from your mom saying to come home for dinner. "I gotta go home" you say to Michael. "Aw no.. I wish you could stay longer" He says back. "I can ask but-" You get cut off by Michael pressing his lips to yours. You look at him for a minute and say "I've been waiting for that since the day I met you".


Luke and you were going out to bowl tonight. When you both arrive at the bowling alley you have a blast and you end up beating him. Your mom dropped the two of you off earlier, but said you had to walk home. You're about halfway home when it starts pouring rain. You figure since you're already getting wet, there's no rush to get home. The two of you just start laughing and he turns to look at you and you stop walking. He kisses you long and hard. "Do you feel accomplished now that you've had your 'passionate kiss in the rain" You say to him with a wink. "Only because it was with you" He says back as he puts his coat around you and you both walk home.


You invited Calum over to hangout. When he comes over, you and him sit in the living room and watch a movie. You end up having a popcorn fight and getting it everywhere. Oh well. You two were having a great time and nothing could stop that. You both sit back down, and burst out into the biggest laughter. "You're so cute when you laugh" He says to you. You were about to say something, when he kissed you. You smile and you cuddle up to him and watch a movie for the rest of the evening.

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