#9 At the Airport When He Leaves for Tour...

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You and Calum wake up later than you hoped you would. When you finally arrive at the airport, you're running just a little late. You get to check-in, and go through security. When you get to his gate, he has to leave right away. "I don't even get time to say goodbye?" You ask him as the ticket lady is rushing him along. "How's this" He says as he picks you up and kisses you. "Perfect" You say. "Just like you" He says back right before he has to get on the plane. You smile as he says goodbye, but then you start to cry. After the plane takes off you get a call from Calum. "Hello?" You say confused. "Stop crying babe. I hate it  when you cry. Oh, and I love you" You can hear his slight laugh and can tell he's smiling.


You're sitting at the airport with Ash and he gets up to get you two coffee. The moment he gets up, you let all the tears out. He walks back to ask what kind you want, when he sees you crying. He sits back down next to you and takes you in his arms. "(y/n) don't cry. I hate to see you upset" He says to you. "How am I not supposed to be upset Ash?" You say back. "Because I'll call you everyday and no matter how many fans I see, none of them compare to you" He says to you. His kisses you and all of a sudden you see his gate open, meaning he has to leave. You both get up. He's walking to the gate when unexpectedly, he turns around and runs back to you. He drys your tears from you eyes and says "I love you", kisses you, and walks back to the gate, leaving for tour.


You're sitting on Mikey's lap at the airport. "I don't want you to leave me..." You say to him. "What? I may be going on tour, but I will never ever LEAVE you" He says back with a smile. You two touch foreheads and he starts singing softly to you "Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you.. where ever you are...." You shed a tear. "Don't you dare cry (y/n). I will call you every second and it'll be like I'm still here" he says that and you let out a little laugh causing you to smile. "There's that beautiful smile" He says as he has to leave for the gate. "Wait, call me everyday? promise?" You say. "Pinky promise." He says as he holds out his pinky, and you two pinky promise.


You're usually so bubbly and outgoing, but now you and Luke just sat and waited for his plane to arrive at the airport. "Babe it'll be okay. I'm not leaving forever." Luke says to you trying to cheer you up. "But you are leaving for a long while" you say back to him. You turn away from him because you didn't want him to see you cry. You never cry. Or at least, you don't very often. "(y/n) look at me, it'll be okay I promise" Luke says as he pulls you in for a hug. At this point you're crying uncontrollably and he run his hands through your hair. He whispers "Babe... my plane's here". You pull away and you have tears running down your face. You both stand up and you give Luke a kiss. "Goodbye Luke" You say as he walks to the gate, and leaves for tour.

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