Ch 8: Mind Games

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POV: Raven


        The nurses say "If you count, it makes the time go by quicker". The nurses lied, but there is nothing else to do here. They said that if I didn't make problems that they might let me outside. I seems like I haven't felt sunshine in years. There is no window in this room, and I've never appreciated sunlight more. It has been exactly nine hours fourteen minutes and thirty four seconds of complete darkness. Mother promised she'd be here in an within an hour of my arrival.She hasn't come. I am beginning to think she never will. It wouldn't surprise me. She's the one that wanted me here. 

        I can hear the nurses outside. Their heels click against  the tile in a maddening way. There is a blinding light and for a moment I think that I am waking up from a dream .At any moment now, Mr. Allison will be yelling at me for falling asleep. In reality it is much worse, much, much worse.

        A hand reaches down, skimming my body as I begin to run. I will not be a lab rat. I WILL NOT BE PART OF THIS MIND GAME. The walls around me seem to get closer and closer to me as if wanting me to fail. All at once I can no longer breathe. I am trapped.

        "Hello there Raven, I'll be your nurse from now on. I am going to make you all better." The voice calls. The light subsides, and I can see a woman.

        "No need to be difficult!" she grabs my arm roughly. I begin to fight from her grasp, but no matter how hard I try, Satan's hands manage to drag me back. I manage to look over her, and in an instant, the door is shut. We are alone.

        "No...." I whisper, tears streaming down my face. "No more. No more tests please" I begged. It seemed a mere moment as the scorn faded from her stone eyes and something else filled them. Not pain. Not anger. But regret. I never questioned it. Why didn't I?

        She reached a cold hand forward and spoke with shaky breath "Raven..." I cringed at her touch.

        "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I screamed. 

        "'s okay.The tests are done.You don't have to worry anymore. I'm not going to make you do anything." Her voice faltered as if she were about to cry.

        "I don't believe you..." I spoke in whispers.

        She leaned toward me. Crouched in the darkest corner,I sat terrified,frightened and trapped.  

        "Raven,.....would you like to go outside?" 

        ".......Please." I whispered, broken.

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