Chapter 27: Cheer First

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***Angelina's POV***

I was on my way to class when Delilah passed by me and knocked my books out of my hands. What hurts the most was Jason just laughed and left with her. He said that he didn't wanna hurt me anymore but what is he doing right now? Hurting me, more than ever.

I kneeled down to collect my books and the pages that fell out. I sighed as I tucked my hair behind my ear and started collecting them in a pile.

" let me help you out,"a voice said.

I looked up to meet a pair of beautiful chocolate color orbs. When I looked at his face I was shocked. He had freckles but it looked cute on him, his blinding smile, and his brown hair in a messy heave but it was cute.

"..I'm Dylan,"he said as he handed me my books and paper. He met my eyes causing me to blush.

"I-I'm Angelina,"I said quietly.

He chuckled,"I uh know. I'm in all your classes."

He stood up and offered his hand and helped me to my feet. I tucked my books under my arm and held it closely to me.

"Thanks for helping me,"I said.

"It's no problem. I hate those kind of people. Especially Jason Smith,"he said but he mumbled the last sentence.

"Uh no meaning to bother you, but uh, why do you hate him?"

"We use to be good friends. Maybe because I was always backstage at ABDC and at the hotel because my uncle is uh Pacman from IaMmE. We use to hang, when he came to this school we were bros. Then a few months ago he started acting like a douche,"he replied sadly. But immediately that sadness replaced."D-Didn't you two dated?"

"Uh no. We uh never did. He told me that I was uh tpo insecure awhile back. We really aren't on good terms,"I said nervously.

"Here, uh let me at least walk with you to class, to make sure that doesn't happen again."

My cheeks turned to a bright rosy color, but I looked down so he wouldn't see,"t-thanks."

I heard him laugh,"ya know you're really cute when you blush."

"No I'm not,"I muttered.

He stopped me by my shoulders. He put a finger under my chin and looked me straight in the eye,"Ang, you're beautiful. Don't ever doubt yourself. Now let's go."

Oh buddy..The things this boy is doing to me.

***Savannah's POV***

"..alright guys time for running,"Eddie announced.

I threw my head back and groaned. SMOED cheerleading practice worn me out.

I was in my usual spandex, SMOED sports bra, white training shows, and a bright blue bow that held my hair in its high pony. I tied my the laces of my white training shoes and got my plastic water bottle and filled it up.

We have to run 3 miles almost every week because it keeps our stamina up and ya know stunting, tumbling, and cheering for about 2 or 3 minutes makes you tired.

"..oh and this time since they're doing street work we have run somewhere else. Only a few minutes walk away from here,"Orby said.

Oh great.

The way there I chatted with Gabi, Jenee, and Maddie since we are the youngest.

"..ooh so San Jose is coming up,"Jenee said.

"Yup, oh my god I can't wait!"I said with a grin so big I could be mistake for a mad man.

"Oh yeah you're first time in San Jose with us,"Gabi said.

"You are so slow,"I stated to her.

"Alright enough chit chat,"Eddie said."Run 3 miles guys! We aren't going back to the gym till you guys run it."

I jogged with my earbuds in, well one in so I can hear with the other ear. I had my water bottle in one hand and my arm sweatband where I can put my iPod in. 'Easier Said Than Done' by Justin Johnes blared in my ear as I panted and jogged.

"C'mon guys faster faster build up your stamina!"Eddie shouted.

All of us sped up a little faster but enough for us so that we weren't light headed.

I heard some laughter. I stopped in my tracks and looked to my side.

I saw Anthony smirking. I smiled and waved.

"Nice to see ya Sav,"he shouted from across the street.

I rolled my eyes,"see ya later Tony."

I continued jogging along the old, rocky sidewalk. We passed by a building like a record thing, I didn't pay much attention, but then I realized, it was the rehearsal building where the guys' rehearse.

"..Avalon!"I heard my aunt cry.

I saw my aunt as she ran towards me and gave me a big hug. God I miss her so much.

"Aunt Layla!"I said as I return the hug.

"Ooh how I miss you! Though I don't approve the fact of you wearing that in public you look beautiful darling. The guys miss you,"she added.

The guys?

"Well I uh better get back. Tell them I said hi,"I said.

"And Mikey that you love him?"she smirked.

Oh right. She doesn't know.

"Uh yeah, sure,"I said quickly."Gotta go."

I started jogging again, not even looking behind. I was almost finish. I made the mistake of turning back because when I did I saw Layla talking with the guys. And boy did Mikey have a look on his face. A mixture of hurt, hope, and sadness. Bet he didn't believe Layla.

God, I miss him so much. I would do anything to be able to call him mine again. But I can't. He's with another girl, who she can proudly call as her boyfriend. I never moved on. I tried pushing him out of my mind, but he never leaves my mind. I miss him so much, but he thinks I moved on. Bet he did already. I mean it took him so fast for him to move on to another girl. Was it that easy for him to forget about me?

I wiped my eyes before any tears can fall out.

Focus Avalon. SMOED first, boys second. No, no.

Ugh shut up mind! If you want a boy go for Anthony, at least he cares for you. Mikey just wants a distraction, well that's what he got, a distraction.

People would tell me that I can do better. He is better. In my eyes I don't care if he has 'changed', in my head he was the same ol' Mikey Fusco.

The Mikey that would always support me, try to find a way to go on a date with me even with my hectic schedule, giving me kisses on the cheek to not show as much PDA to not make me feel uncomfortable or if I'm being pressured to kiss him, and finally, the Mikey who showed his love for me when I thought that no one ever would.

That Mikey is still in there. But I think only I can bring him back. Hollie has a heart of cold, she turned him cold blooded like her. In fact, all of her plastic friends did the same to the other guys.

Being The New Girl sucks, especially at times like this.

Hey dere beautifuls! So I finally updated, well again. My wifi is back to normal, well a little slower but at least I can still update guys.

Much Love Guys.


PS pic of Savannah at age 9 of cheerleading. Aka that's Julia Wisk on World Cup: Twinkles. She is so adorable!! xD

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