Chapter 2: Test Unfold

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Chapter 2: Test Unfold

Staring intensely at the photo, I was 100% sure that this was the current me in the it and when I mean current, I mean my current present 16 years old self. My heart raced and I couldn't tell if it was fear or if it was caution. I knew this was impossible but photos don't lie, do they? I gazed at my parents, my mother and my father. My mother was smiling as well as my father. They held onto each other, arm to arm while I was in the middle, doing a peace sign and laughing cheerfully. This picture was taken at the park where I found Coco.

But I didn't remember this happening before. No, not remember. It actually never happened before. I have never ever taken a photograph with my current self and my so-called dead parents now. What does this mean? Suddenly, I felt a chiliing aura touching my body. I gasp, straightened my back and gulped down nervously. I heard nothing but silence and moved my eyes towards to the window that was in front of me. Then I blink and looked back at the creepy photograph and this time, my heart thumped in fear with no doubt. My mother and father vanished from the photo this time.

Right now, I only see me doing the peace sign. Mom and dad were gone literally. Chill spat down my spine and I tossed the photo away, closing the box and left the room, shutting the door behind me. 

No no, I thought to myself. Don't think about it. It was probably some illusion. You barely got enough sleep for the past 8 years due to your nightmares. You were seeing stuff..seeing stuff...I thought and ran my hand into my hair and gripped on it. I took a deep breath and let it out. Exiting out the hallway, the main lobby of the church was dark. The lights were closed and I assume the priest left already. I walked out, locking the door of the church and slipped the box in my pockets.

I had a long day, sick of trying to think of anything now. Based on my shadow which was leaning towards to the side like an oblique figure, my estimation was that it was 2 p.m. now. Ah, work. That's why I'm just going to go to work and try to forget all this mess today. With the exception of today's lesson. It was interesting, knowing that the elements did so much for us. I remembered mother and father would always make up bed time stories for me when I was a little child about elements.

In fact, that's all they talked about was elements. Maybe it was heredity that got me interested in elements. Water was my favorite element because water is essential to all life on earth and it is the universal solvent too. Walking towards to the pastry shop, I felt the sun's light burning the side of my shoulder. Why so hot? The weather didn't say it was this hot today. I touched my shoulder and blew on it. Well at least, I tried.

Anyways, my parents would always test me on elements. They'll be asking how they were named, what direction did each settled and such things like that. I mean it wasn't boring or anything but I do believed stuff gets boring once you repeat it and repeat it again and again. So yeah. . I missed my mother and father. . .it all happened that night. The same night when I began to have my nightmares. I went up to get some water to help moist my throat and I heard some arguing going on in the kitchen. My curiosity got me so I tipped toed quietly to the kitchen and found my mother arguing with my father. I couldn't hear what they were saying becase they were arguing pretty low. I never got my water but I went back to bed and slept. 

That following night, when I woke up, I realized something was missing. Usually my mother would wake me up to get a sip of water that night. I thought it was strange so I went to her bedroom and she was missing from there. I called for her and father's name. No sounds were made. I only heard my echos. It was strange  so I got worried and began to cry and went outside, crying out for them, hoping that they'll hear me and return to me. I knew I woke neighbors up and my next door came to me. She thought it was strange for a little kid to be up around 3-4 a.m. in the morning outside, crying for her mother and father's name.  Knowing that she knew I was in trouble, she called 9-1-1. 

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