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"And move up," the trainer says, my legs pushing against the weights. I squeeze my eyes shut and move my legs, move back to my chest. I continue doing reps and move off the machine when I'm done.

"Do you want to box?" he then asks, my head nodding.

I put on my hoodie and lace up my gloves after putting tape on my fingers. We go out and start to box, my leg handling the strain fine today. It doesn't hurt too bad and I feel like I owe that to the best night sleep. Allie and I had stayed out late last night and being with her made my thoughts all about, letting me sleep the rest of night perfectly.

"So what's new Harry?" the trainer asks, my hand moving into the pad on his hand.

"Not much. Just...seeing someone new," I say, his head nodding.

"Jess know?" he asks, my eyes looking into his.

"Sadly. She works for Jess," I say, his eyebrow lifting.

"That's crazy," he says, my chuckle heard. I keep moving and stop when I see Allie walk into the gym, a man walking in right behind her.

"I'm good," I say, his head nodding.

"Come in soon. Gotta keep working the knee to get the pain out," he says, my hands untying the gloves.

"See you soon," I say, his hand waving out. I pull sweats up over my shorts and pull my beanie on, lifting my bag over my shoulder.

As soon as I stand up, I feel two arms wrap around me. Allie's small hands connect together by my middle and I feel her nuzzle her head between my shoulders.

"Hi Harry," she says, my lips curving. I turn my head, but grab her hands. Then she leans and see her, her eyes so bright.

"How are you today?" she asks, my arm lifting and wrapping around her.

"I'm good. How are you?" I ask, kissing her forehead.

"Pretty good. Derek wanted to stop in to check up on one of his clients from his office," she says, my head turning to see her brother staring at me. I look back down at her and lean to talk in her ear.

"How protective are your brothers over you?" I ask, her head turning. She looks me in the eye and sighs, my eyes watching her closely.

"Extremely. Ever since Sean passed away, they feel the need to check up on me all the time to ensure I'm okay. We've already lost one sibling...can't lose another," she says, my head nodding.

"Well, you got a new guy to protect you so we'll see how I rank with you brothers."

She laughs and I guide her out, her hand holding mine. But I let her when we reach her brother and he stands nearly my height, buff and built like a man in the military.

"Derek, this is Harry," Allie says, his hand shaking mine.

"Nice to meet you," I say, his head nodding.

"Thank you for your service. Allie told me you were a Sergeant," he says, my head giving a cut nod.

"Had to retire," I say, knowing full well I'd still be there if it weren't for the accident.

"It's unfortunate what you must have went through but we know the feeling. Just know anyone who's been in the service takes a little higher appreciation when it comes to dating my sister," he says, my lips curving. Allie leans into me and I look down at her, her smile bright.

"We'll catch up with you soon," Allie says, Derek nodding.

Allie and I then go off to the door and she walks with me down the street. "Do you want to go to my place?" she asks, my head looking down.

"I was gonna shower and meet up with you," I tell her, her shoulders shrugging.

"You can shower at my place. I can make us lunch while you do," she explain, my head nodding. I kiss her cheek and we keep walking. She buzzes into the building and she guides me up to her place, my hand holding hers tightly.

"It's straight through there," she says, pointing. I nod and lean down, kissing her hair before walking over there. I close the door and start to undress, looking around. It's a smaller bathroom, but there is a separate bath from the shower. I make my way to the shower and turn it on, removing my prosthetic before getting in.

Once washed up, I change into the clothes I had in my gym bag and put my beanie over my unruly hair. I put the prosthetic back on and get my sweatpants on, walking out and setting my gym bag on the floor by the door.

"I made grilled cheeses," I hear Allie call from the kitchen, my body moving towards her. I set my hands on her waist from behind and start to kiss her neck, her body reacting by curling towards me. She flushes and I kiss her cheek, thanking her before letting her go. She turns and hands me a plated grilled cheese, the two of us walking into the living room. I sit and she sits beside me, her body turning so her legs rest over mine.

I compliment how good her cooking is and she laughs, leaning her head on my shoulder. "It's a grilled cheese. One of the easiest recipes," she beams, my lips curving at how cute she is.

We finish the grilled cheeses fairly quickly and I pull her onto my lap, her legs straddling mine. It's mainly so I can face her, see her eyes when we talk.

"Can I ask you something?" she wonders, my head nodding.

"Because of yesterday, with the whole conversation at the Chinese place, I've been thinking," Allie starts, my head nodding. My hands grab hers and she holds them back tightly, my heart starting to beat faster.

"I'm wondering if you would want that," she says, my lower lip taken between my teeth. She seems so worried and I know asking that was probably on the rude side, but I don't want her thinking I'm some estranged masochist who craves sex.

"I know I made it seem like I do but I'm not all too pushy on the sex subject, Allie. If there's a time we want to, I'll be ready. But know I leave that up to comfort and trust. Believe me, I feel so strongly for you already, but sex isn't my top priority," I tell her, her blue eyes focused on me. She nods and leans down, her hands letting go of mine and moving her arms to wrap around my neck.

"Because I just...want the experience. I want to have you," she whispers, my heart racing. My hands move to her waist and I hold her onto me, her lips lightly pressing against my neck.

"Oh, baby, you already got me," I breathe out, her laugh making me smile. I turn my head and she starts to kiss around my lips, her touch so gentle. I'm curious to know if she's one of those girls who secretly loves to try anything; do anything to live in the moment. My mind has become a vision of only her whenever I'm with her, something I needed in my life.

I finally move and get her to kiss me, her hands moving to set on my chest. But she moves them to my cheeks, my tongue swiping her lower lip. I beg for a deeper kiss, to feel compassion and strength. She's making me strong again; allowing me to regain what I once had by keeping her by my side.

My hands grab her waist tighter, my lips parting from hers only to trail down her neck. She lightly moans in my ear when I start to mark her sweet spot, sucking on her skin. But I slowly kiss down her exposed chest, not going further than what is already on show. When I complete lathering her skin in kisses, her hands lift my cheeks and she kisses me again.

"Stay the night with me," she breathes on my lips. Her forehead rests on mine and I pull her hips closer to me, her eyes closing when I kiss her lower lip.

"I don't have my medication. I-I don't...I can't worry you," I rush, her hands holding my face close.

"I don't mind Harry. Oh my gosh, I just want you to be here with me," she says, my smile growing at her words. She smiles, and just by her smile, I allow myself to stay and be with her.


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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