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"It doesn't bother me a whole lot anymore," I tell Alessia, her eyes looking into mine.

"So you were there for four years?" she asks, my head nodding.

"Yeah, my injury was sustained when I was twenty two. I've been better, but Allie's helped," I say, her smile shy. She targeted me when Derek had dragged Lex and Allie away, her shy behavior hard to talk to but she's nice.

"I like Allie. She's always so outgoing. I-I'm not much of a talker," she explains, my head nodding.

"I get it. There's always that fear of not knowing how you'll be judged by the other. I'm much the same," I say, her eyes staying locked on mine. She's a gorgeous girl. Her long red hair and the bright blue eyes; cute, but not as beautiful as Allie.

"Thank you. You understand," she says, my smile growing.

"How are you though? I know you were scared the last time we met," I say, her lips curving.

"Oh, I'm okay. Just...did Allie tell you?" she asks, my head nodding.

"Only because I was scared something bad had happened," I say, her smile there.

"That's so thoughtful of you," she says, making me laugh. She smiles and continues.

"So just know everything is good.," she says, my head nodding.

"I'm glad you are happy. Congratulations on all of this, by the way. You look stunning," I tell her, her cheeks flushing.

"Thank you. I'm just...I'm so happy today," she grins, my smile growing.

"And I hope you are happy for the rest of your life with your new husband," I tell her, her head turning to look up at Lex who approaches us.

"See you later, Harry," she says, my head nodding. Then long blonde hair is in my sight and I stand, her arms wrapping around my waist.

"You're mine. Don't forget it," she says, my lips releasing a deep sigh. I kiss the top of her head and she leads me to the table, sitting with me.

"We should get going. I'm so done with my brother right now," she says, my head nodding. I get her to look at me by cupping her chin, her eyes softly looking into mine. Then I lean up and kiss her, her hand grabbing my cheek.

"Take me home," she whispers, my head nodding.

We say our goodbyes and get into the rental car, her hand holding mine the drive to her apartment building. On the outside chance this happened, I packed a change of clothes in my bag. I hope she doesn't think it's weird.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, her head turning to look at me.

"I'm pissed they did that to you. And to think we had a brother in the service," she says. I park the car and turn to her, her eyes looking into mine.

"If they want to tell a man who was in the army to leave the girl of his dreams, they are apeshit crazy 'cause no way am I ever gonna let you go," I tell her, her smile so bright. She cups my cheeks and presses her lips to mine, my hand holding her wrist.

"Come with me," she whispers, my head nodding. I grab my bag of clothes and walk with her up to her apartment. She opens the door, and once we're in, she closes and locks it. Then my hands are on her waist and hers are in my hair, my body leaning down. I lift her bridal-style and carry her to her room, my lips never leaving hers.

"Make love to me," she whispers, pecking me between words. I lay her down and bury my head in her neck, touching her and feeling her.

She starts to undress me and my shirt is thrown across the room, her hands fumbling with my belt.

"Fuck," I groan, standing up and removing the belt. She sits up and I remove my pants, her hands throwing her shoes on the floor.

Then I slowly remove her dress, her nearly naked body only covered with panties. We roll under the covers and I start kissing her chest, palming her breasts to hear her moan my name. I'm infatuated by the beautiful girl beneath me and I admire every moment I get with her.

I pull my prosthetic off while kissing her, her hands grabbing my cheeks. Then she slides them down my chest and to my waist, her skin on mine intoxicating. Then her soft fingers start to slide my boxers down and her hand wraps around me, my throat releasing a deep groan.

"I need," I start, her lips trailing down my neck. I can't think straight. I've never felt this way about sex before.

"I need a condom," I tell her, her hand reaching over.

"I stole a few from my brother," she whispers, laughing after. At this point, I don't even care. She reaches into her drawer and pulls out a foil, handing it to me.

But first I duck beneath the covers and hook my fingers in her panties. I tug them down and throw them on the floor, but I start to kiss up her thighs. My lips press against her heat and I hear her gasp, her hands grabbing mine.

"Oh, Harry," she moans, my lips tasting her.

"Baby," I whisper, kissing up her body. She grabs my neck and starts to kissing me, my hands fumbling with the condom. Once I get it on, I take her hands and she looks up at me.

"You're mine, baby. Don't you forget it," I tell her, her eyes closing as I kiss her after. I let go and move myself to her entrance, slowly moving against her before pushing in.

Only this time, I don't want to stop. I move so perfectly with Allie that nothing can take this moment away from us. Her hands run against my back and I wrap my arms around her, my lips pressing around her face.

"It feels so good," she whispers, my lips parting over hers. She kisses me, my heart racing.

"Oh, baby," I whisper, her nails digging into my shoulders. I slowly pulse through her, hitting the same spot until she arches her back, my eyes admiring her high. But what I don't expect next is her hands on my chest, pushing me onto my back.

She crawls onto my lap and I help her situate herself, her hips moving against mine. The way she moves has me reaching my high in seconds, her hands holding mine as she moves. I grab her waist and her hands stay over mine, my hands lifting her waist as I start to move my hips up. She moves her hand to her hair and pushes it to the side, my eyes never seeing anything more perfect.

"I'm coming baby," I tell her, and she nods, my eyes watching her come for me again. I release and she falls on top of me after I pull out, my arms wrapping around her right away.

"Oh my God," she whispers, staying close to me.

"Holy shit, Allie," I say, her laugh muffled in my neck. She sets her hand on my cheek and brushes my skin with her fingers.

"Come with me," she whispers, kissing my cheek before shamelessly getting up. I stare at her as she walks into her bathroom, her body turning and her fingers signaling to follow. And just like that, I know I found just what I want and need.


Hey Loves!


Much Love!!! <3 xoxo

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