thirty six

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Just one more week.

One week and I get my Harry back. It was almost known that as soon as I would become pregnant he'd get a letter calling him back out to train. But this time, it was an longer amount of time. A whole eight months, nearly my whole pregnancy.

I maneuver around the house, the boxes stacking up. My brothers have helped me move into the new house, but unpacking without them seems to be a long and tasking job.

When I feel the fluttering kicks of my baby, I know I have to relax for a while. I walk into the kitchen and grab my keys, going to get a few more groceries. The few items I pick up are enough to last me for a while, my hands steering the car into the driveway.

I go into a panic when I see the door open, my feet hesitantly walking in. My heart is pounding and I go through the first floor, no one there. Then I go upstairs, looking in all the rooms. My bedroom door is shut and I nearly never close it, my lips releasing a deep breath. I open he door slowly and stop, my jaw dropping.

"I love what you've done with the place," Harry says, his arms crossed beneath his head as he looks at me. My hand covers my mouth and he smiles, getting up and walking towards me.

"Harry," I say, his hands grabbing mine. But I move mine to his cheeks and kiss him, his hands moving onto my stomach.

"Oh my God," he says, feeling the baby kick. He grins and I smile, his hands lifting my shirt up and he tucks it beneath my breasts.

"Holy shit you can see it move," he says, my laugh growing. He's fascinated by the little one and he tugs me onto the bed, his head resting on top of my stomach lightly.

"Do you know the gender?" he asks, my head shaking.

"I want it to be a surprise, just like this is," I say, referencing his appearance.

He just smiles, lifting his head. "They had finished some training early and asked a Sergeant to leave early. I was designated because I have a pregnant wife," he tells me, my hand setting on the back of his neck.

"Yes, a very pregnant wife," I tell him, his smile bright.

He hooks his arms around me and presses his lips against my stomach. "You look tan," he says, my shoulders shrugging.

"I sit outside in a sports bra and shorts to get the tum in the sun. I just sit in the backyard," I tell him, his lips pressing to my belly button.

"Well, you're a hot mama. Hot damn," he smiles, making me laugh. He lifts his body and kisses me again, my hands holding his cheeks.

"Such a tease," I whisper, his lips curving.

He lays beside me the rest of the night, Harry and I catching up. He holds my stomach and I tell him my plans for the nursery, his eyes never looking away from me.

"Well, I have to shower. You relax for a while," he says, kissing my cheek.

"I'll start dinner," I tell him, his head nodding.

I go downstairs and make the dinner I had originally planned for, plating it just in time for Harry to come down. We sit beside each other and eat, his hand resting over my stomach ask we do so. It's so comforting to know that he's here now; home where he loves to be. I know he likes to be out with the troop, but he is very family oriented now and I love him for it.

We spend a few days setting up the nursery beside our room, but we put a cradle in our room as well. Harry is painting the room a pale blue, my body only taking so much before my baby is kicking me and I have to sit down.

"Can I help you with anything?" he asks, sitting beside me. He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead, my head looking up at him.

"I'm okay," I say. "But I think I sat in paint."

They two of us laugh together but I can't stand up without pain. I fall back down and Harry's eyes widen, my head tilting up.

"M-My water," I rush, his hands grabbing my elbows and lifting me up. He holds me and helps me down the stairs, his focus on me.

"It's okay," he whispers. "Just a little bit to the car."

We get in and he drives me to the hospital, my breathing calm and collected. Harry goes and gets a wheelchair, his hands helping me up. He kisses my hair and he helps me into the hospital.

We get checked in and Harry is beside me, holding my hand and kissing my cheeks. I turn my head and kiss him, his hand coming up and cupping my cheek.

"I love you, beautiful," he whispers, my lips curving.

"I love you too," I grin, his thumb softly brushing my cheek.

As we prep, the contractions start and I'm in pain before they give me epidural. Harry is right beside me the entire time, holding my hand and keeping me sane. Harry is my saving grace right now.

After a few hours and the pain of pushing, the cry of my baby is heard and I open my eyes. The baby is placed on my chest and I hug the screaming baby. A little screaming baby girl.

I hum and calm her down enough for the nurse to cut her umbilical cord. My hands move her carefully to Harry and he lifts her onto his chest. She so small compared to him and I'm absolutely in love.

"We need to get her checked up and dressed then she's all yours," the nurse says, my head nodding. Harry moves her to the nurse and I'm wheeled into a hospital room, Harry lifting me and laying me down. He kisses me and I smile, his hands holding mine.

"Little girl," he smiles, my lips curving.

He helps me get washed off and back in bed, my eyes watching the nurse walk in. "She's all healthy," she tells me, my hands taking the beautiful girl. She's sleeping and I smile, her small button nose perfect.

"I'm going to run home and get a change of clothes. I'll be right back," Harry says, my head tilting up.

"I'll be here," I grin, his smile bright. He kisses me and walks away, my attention turning back to the little girl. I brush my fingertip over her lips and I take a deep breath, everything worth it to see the outcome. And I'm so happy with the name we had chosen if we were to have a girl.

Little Sophia Lynn.


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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