Something new

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I catch myself wondering yet again...Why is there so much technology?

What was it like before?

Mark and I have the same question...

What was it like before all the technology?

Before everything?

I stop myself in my tracks. Stop wondering!

The last day of school was amazing. But the rest of the day is going to be so much better! Mark has something to show me. I am so excited!!

I am just worried that it might be bad...but ya never know...

Later that day:

My face lit up like a Christmas tree when I got Marks text to come outside and get in the car. I dart to the door and ran outside! When I got to his car I sat in the passenger seat. He told the car to go to his house and it did. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before we go out of the car.

We get out of the car and head up to his room...

I'm really anxious about what he is gonna show me...

He says"guess what" and the whole room got bright with neon colors...

I have no idea what its coming from though...

As I try to figure it out everything goes blank...

Hey guys,

Stay with me...ik it was a short chapter but...oh well...


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