Chapter 1

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My first story on Wattpad please enjoy, *bows*


Chapter 1

I was walking the streets on under the warm Autumn sun. I watch the newest models of cars pull out on the street and show them self of. I mentally roll my eyes. You would think that celebrities would be able to be a bit more modest and would want to hide form the paparazzi that tail them like in a bad movie. No pun intended. I make my way to the daycare that I work at coming from school which thankfully ends at 12 but starts at 6:30 in the morning. I live in the celebrity capital of the country, Los Angeles California, the one place where you can find foolish tourist lending themselves into traps and go 'Star gazing' or 'Star Stalking' if you ask me that is, trust me they are just regular people.

I love to work in the daycare with the kids parents celebrities and non-celebrities alike. Some of the celebrities try to bribe the daycare center owners with money so that their kids get special treatment. If they want their kids to have special treatment, build a school for them!I think that the kids there are confused at what a real loving parent is to what a nanny is. If I, a sixteen year old in her junior year of high school, can't figure out if their parent's love them, then how are they?

The reason for walking would be that I 1) can't drive and 2) I get sick from being in a bus and I'm slightly germa--phobic. Ironic for the girl who works at a daycare center. It's just that in a bus, people can actually control where they spread their germs while little kids can't even tell the difference from a daisy from a sunflower.

The gates groan as I enter the play ground of the one story building and the little kids look up to see who it is. They're having playtime right now. Their cute little chubby faces look up at me and light up like a Christmas tree.

'Sambwina!' they scream as they attack my legs nearly making me tip over from the sudden force. I catch my Physics book before it falls onto one of them.

'Okay, I'm coming just give me a second. Let me put down my things and then we can play hide and seek.' They cheered at me giving into to their little wishes. I laugh at their cute little faces that surround me. 'But before I do anything, you have to clean up.' They scampered off in all directions and started to clean up the messes they made before I got here. I took the chance to rush to my locker in the owners office.

'Hi Mrs. Loving.' I say with a smile as I tie back my plain brown hair.

'Why hello Sabrina. What's up?'she asked me warmly. She could be my second mother.

'Nothing much. Physics homework along with Math but nothing I can't handle on my own.'

'If you need any help don't hesitate to ask. Okay?' she was definitely a second mother.

'Stop offering yourself because one of these days, I am really going to take you up on that offer.' she chuckled at me.

'I wouldn't mind it if you did.' Mrs. Loving was the owner of the daycare and loved kids but could never have any of her own, that's why she opened up the daycare so that she could be surround by kids and tell show them what a true mother's love is. She's a petite woman in her early forties who lost her husband to the war in Iraq around three years ago. A bomb, it was hard for them to finally identify him, it was sad, and I have to say, on the few occasions that I had met him, he surely was a family man. Her hair was always in a half ponytail with the little ringlets hanging by the sides of her face. Her face was etched with happiness, which was quite evident from the laugh lines she had, but there was always a hint of sadness because of her loss but she was never one to let her sad mood creep up on the kids so she covers it up quickly.

I was now outside playing with the little kids.

'One, Two, Three, Four...' I heard the thudding of foot running off in all directions. 'Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten! Ready or not here I come.' I rushed through the numbers and words knowing it would make them laugh. The giggles were all over the place. I dramatically walked over to the slide knowing that Tristen and Addy would be hiding there.

'Where oh where could Tristen and Addy be? Hmmm. Are they at the top of the slide? They aren't!' giggles erupted underneath, 'Are they- Oh there you guys are come here you!' I grabbed onto their tiny bodies and started to spin around, one in each hand. Their laughs got louder and their screams increased in volume too. Okay, now I was getting dizzy.

'Alright let's go find the others.' I set them down and let them lead to everyone else who were playfully shouting 'not fair' and 'they cheated' I threw my head back in laughter. My laugh got cut short when I saw Jason in the corner crying to himself. He seems a little sad. His parents are Amy Young and Chad Clawd, the singer who got discovered at fifteen who was now thirty nine and the multi-movie star who played his first Major role in the family loved comedy 'Who the Hell is Santa?. I made my way over to him as the other little kids made their way inside. 

'What's wrong little man?' I spoke to him softly while crouching down to reach his height. He looked up at me and threw his little arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder. I picked him up and wrapped his little legs around my waist and held him delicately and had one hand by his head as if to protect him from all his troubles. He sniffled and sobbed while I went inside with him still in my hands. I put him on my lap and he buried his head into my chest. His soft light brown hair that he got from his mother seemed damp on the sides from his crying.

'Shhhhh. Don't worry Jason. Tell me whats wrong?' I tried to be as comforting as possible.He sniffled some more before answering me.

'Big bwother left me this morning and he's not coming back.' he whined.

'That's not true little man. He's coming back. Don't worry.' I felt someone's presence looming over me but I didn't care.

'Jas, I told you I was coming back for you soon. Didn't I?'  a husky voice said behind me. Jason looked up and stretched out of my reach to the person behind me. I looked up and looked into those captivating brown eyes.I stood up and stuck my hand out.

'I'm Sabrina. Nice to meet you.' He looked at my hand in disgust. Well, way to be subtle about your dislike. Suddenly, I heard Amy Young calling out to us.

'Sabrina! Long time no see. Have you met my son?'

'I've met one not the other.' she frowned.

'You take Tristen from her then you don't even say thank you for appeasing your brother. Say thank you, since it was your fault that he was crying in the first place.' he mumbled a 'Thanks' and turned away to the car.She looked at me and asked, 'How have you been? I'm sorry about Eric,' so his name was Eric? 'He just got back from making a movie. Anyways, Um, Sabrina, could you do me a favor?' How come I didn't know anything about Eric? Well, I don't really pay attention to the tabloids.

'Anything you Mrs. Clawd.' she humphed.

'You know to call me Amy. Mrs. Clawd is Chace's mom and I am not her not with this figure anyways.' I held back a laugh,' Anyways, can you please come by and babysit for me tomorrow?'

'No problem. But if you don't mind me asking, what about the nannies you hired?'

'They're all grumpy and stuffy for my kids and anyways, Jason needs to know what love from someone else is like. Can you please babysit.' Her face pulled into a pout the one that got her her husband.

'Sure, no problem.'

'Great!' her face lit up in delight. 'I get your information from Mrs. Loving and textyou the information. Adios!' She skipped towards the office. In the ten minutes she was in there, I was cleaning up inside and then she came out and went to the waiting car. 'Bye Sabrina! See you tomorrow!' she went into the car and two minutes later I got a text. I unlocked my iPhone and saw the adress along with a 'Thanx 4 helping out! :)'

What am I geting myself into?


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