As soon as I woke up, I checked my phone. It was nine in the morning. I had slept on the couch of the living room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. The rest of the guys were still asleep. Carter was sleeping on the other couch and Garrett was sleeping on the floor beside the other couch. They had moved the coffee table over by the opposite wall and sprawled out a blanket on the floor. Finn had slept next to the couch I slept on, so I had to be careful and quiet when I got up so I wouldn't wake him.
I was the first one to wake up, or at least I thought I was until I saw Roxy in the kitchen when I walked in.
"Good morning," she said to me.
"Morning. How'd you sleep?" I asked her, as I walked to the fridge to get some orange juice and sat on a stool by the kitchen island, drinking the juice from a glass.
"I slept fine. You?" she asked me, as she took out some food from the fridge.
"Same. What are you making?" I asked her, curiously, leaning over the counter to get a better look at the stove top.
"What smells so good?" Carter walked into the kitchen.
"Pancakes," Roxy answered.
"Sweet. Bacon sound good?" he asked us both, and we nodded. "Alright then." He walked over to the fridge and got out a packet of bacon.
Out of us five, Roxy and Carter were the only ones who could really cook. They usually cooked for everyone when we stayed over. The rest of us had the ability to make cereal and burn water. We couldn't cook to save our lives. We were glad to have Roxy and Carter.
Roxy was starting another batch of pancakes, while Carter had already started cooking the bacon. I took out the plates and cups and set them on the counter of the kitchen island, then sat back down on the stool.
"Yeah, pancakes!" Garrett beamed, as he and Finn walked into the kitchen.
"Chocolate chips, too, please," Finn said, as he walked to the pantry and back with a bag of chocolate chips.
"Alright." Roxy took the bag from him.
Roxy and Carter finished cooking, and we all got a plate to serve ourselves. We sat at the dining table of the kitchen.
"Thanks for cooking, you guys," I thanked Roxy and Carter.
"No problem," they both said at the same time.
"Roxy, these pancakes are amazing!" He took another bite of his pancakes. "Seriously, Roxy just marry me already. I'll build you a house on top of a hill with the biggest kitchen in the world. Pancakes forever!" He sat across from her and reached over the table and held her hand in his. He pulled back when she gave him a small hand squeeze.
Everyone laughed, including me.
"So what should we do today?" Roxy asked.
"I kinda wanted to go to the mall and buy some stuff," Carter spoke.
"I'm down," Garrett said.
"So mall then? Yeah?" Finn asked all of us.
"Yeah," I said along with everyone else.
When we finished eating, we cleaned up the mess we had created.
"Ima go shower," Roxy announced, as she walked up the stairs to Finn's room.
"Same here. I'm going to go home to shower then come back. I won't be too long." I walked over by the front door to get my keys. "See you guys later." I waved at them and walked outside.

Even in Twenty Years (ON HOLD)
Roman pour AdolescentsFive best friends. Four guys. Three secrets. Two that have feelings for each other. And one hell of a friendship. ***** Garrett Jennings: Jokes a lot, cheers you up when you're down, and is a grea...