"You guys!" Garrett sat down in his seat. "Look what I have!" He passed the paper around.
"No way! You finally got your off campus pass?" I asked.
Off campus passes allowed students, eighteen or over, to leave the school and get lunch. The only ones out of us that had them were Finn and Carter, seeing they're both eighteen. Now, Garrett had one too. Ryan and I wouldn't get one, since our birthdays were in the summer. School would be out by then and we'd be graduated.
"Yeah. My dad came home and I had him sign it," Garrett explained. "First time having it. Let's go get lunch off campus. I'll buy." He couldn't contain his excitement.
I smiled, now knowing why he texted us before lunch not to get any food today from the cafeteria.
"Ryan, Roxy, you guys cool with that? I'll totally bring you guys something back." He looked at us.
"It's fine with me," Ryan said.
"Bring me fries, please," I said.
"You sure?" Finn asked.
"Yeah. Go ahead, you guys. Go before lunch is over," I urged them.
The three of them stood.
"Ryan, I'll call you so you can tell me what you want," Garrett said.
He nodded his head.
The three of them walked away, leaving just me and Ryan.
"And then there were two," Ryan said.
I looked over at him and smiled.
"Hey, Ryan," I started.
His eyes met mine. "What's up?"
"Remember that night up on the roof?"
The night when we admired the stars and talked about our futures. Also the same night when we fell asleep on the roof and woke up in the morning with his arms around me.
We didn't really discuss it. Not that I wanted to talk about it now. That wasn't my reason for bringing it up.
"What about it?"
"Remember how we talked about going camping with the guys for spring break?"
"Yeah, I remember." He smiled. "We should totally pitch the idea to them."
"That's what I was thinking."
"Wait. We both know Garrett. He doesn't like camping. He's an inside person."
Yeah, so am I.
"What about a cabin?"
"That could work. We can stay the whole spring break there. I'm sure Finn will find a great one."
I nodded my head. "We should wait a bit before telling the guys. Think of a few ideas."
"Yeah. So are you really down to do that for spring break?"
"Yeah. It seems like fun. You?" I held his gaze.
"As long as I hang with you guys, I'm good."
Ryan's phone rang, and he answered.
"What's up?" he asked. "Yeah. Bring me a burger and fries. Roxy? Let me ask." He turned to me. "They're at that burger place a few blocks away. Want a burger and fries? Finn got you a mint chocolate chip milkshake for you."
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah, the same for Roxy. Yeah, alright. Bye." He hung up and put his phone down on the table. "They shouldn't be much longer."

Even in Twenty Years (ON HOLD)
Teen FictionFive best friends. Four guys. Three secrets. Two that have feelings for each other. And one hell of a friendship. ***** Garrett Jennings: Jokes a lot, cheers you up when you're down, and is a grea...