Chapter 3

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"Jem?" I whisper softly as I see a shadow emerge into the dimly lit room. "Is that you?" I stand up from the couch slowly and move towards the shadow.

"I should take you home." James says abruptly. He shields his face so I can't see it; he grabs my arm tightly and pulls me towards the front door. He tugs me down the stairs and out to the car. He finally let's go of my arm unlocking the car, he throws his door open and gets inside. I slide in the passenger side slowly.

"Jem, what's wrong?" I look at him, concern laced within my voice.

"Nella, don't worry about it." He says sharply. I look at him and see a shimmering red streak rolling down the side of his face.

"Jem what is it? What happened? You can tell me anything, I mean I know were not like that close or anything but you can tell me, you can trust me." I laugh nervously trying to lighten to mood. A few minutes after my rambling I finally realize what is streaming down his face.

"Jem you're bleeding!" I screech, my hand reaching across the counsel to turn his face so I can see the cut on his face better. I look at the cut, seeing blood drip quickly from it. "Here let me clean it up," I mumble digging through my purse I grab a packet of tissues. I quickly pull some out and dab it against his temple.

"Don't touch me!" he yells shoving my hand away from his injured face. I shrink back into my seat, and looks out the window afraid of what to say next. He puts the key into the ignition and starts the car up. He flies out of the driveway. "I'm dropping you off at a gas station; you can walk to your house." He says flatly, his eyes focused on the road. I nod my head slowly. Nearly ten minutes later he pulls into the gas station parking lot, without looking over at me he says harshly, "Get out." I look at him, hoping he'll change his mind. After a few seconds I finally open the car door and slowly slide out of the passenger seat. I hold my bag close to my body as I shut the car door behind me. I turn around and start walking out of the gas station parking lot. The sun setting ahead of me shines a bright orange, the moon behind me shines like a dull star. I hear the reeve of his engine and the screech of his tires pulling him out of the gas station, leaving me behind. I continue my walk home, slowly since I have no motivation. After what feels like hours of walking I hear the low hum of his car speeding towards my direction. I keep my eyes focused on the road ahead of my already aching feet. The car slows beside me.

"Nella, I'm sorry for yelling at you. Can I drive you home, please?"

"James just leave me alone. You were the one who decided to drop me off at the gas station."

"Nella, please just get in the car. How can I prove to you that I'm sorry?"

"Leave me alone." I snap at him.

"Nella," he whines pulling the car off of the road stopping completely. He gets out quickly. He runs up to me grabbing a hold of my arm spinning me around.

"It's Annabelle to you." I say through gritted teeth, as I pull my arm out of his grip. I turn around and start walking away from him again. He kicks the ground with the toe of his boot.

"Damn it Nella, get in the car please."

"Fine, but you have to stop calling me Nella and promise you'll leave me alone after you drop me off." He nods his head slowly, and gets back into his car. I follow behind him and slides into the passenger seat.

"Nella... Annabelle, please forgive me I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, my dad he, he was just angry cause of things, and he just pissed me off, and I took it out on you. Please Nella...shit Annabelle, please forgive me?"

"Okay. What do you want me to do?" He looks at me for a few moments and takes my face into his hands, gently pulling me close to him; he presses his lips against my own.

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