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Waking up to bright light in my eye but that is what Julia wished happened she woke up to the loud banging noise of thunder and the only light that was in her eyes were the lights from the lightning that seemed to never to stop. Julia get out of bed to just trip on the ground to find a dark purple feather under herself. Not Thinking anything about it she went on her day and went to her basement to go find a pack of candles for if the power goes out.

Walking back up stairs Julia feels the stairs to start to give away. While falling Julia noticed a dark purple feather float down and to hear a sound of nails scratching on something. Julia looks around to see nothing except the darkness of the room. Get back up the stair she took a chance and jumped from where she fell to land safely on the other side. Noticing something is happening Julia leaves the room to get away from the mysterious creature with feathers. Walking around paranoid not know what was safe to do. Walking out of the house Julia walks to her mailbox to turn around to see her house on fire. Yet again a dark purple feather feel down this time she could hear the wings go past her ear yet see turn slightly to see it. A crow? What can a crow do? Julia turned around see the crow is gone and with that she walked into the forest not sure why she just felt that's where she had to go.

Julia stopped in her tracks to she looked at the ground to see nothing hearing a sound in the tree she looks up to see the crow she sees one last feather float down and the next thing she was down on the ground staring back at the tree with the dark purple feather bird. With one last glance I saw It is perched on a branch, not far from my window, watching, staring with an unfathomable black eye.  

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