Chapter 3

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I throw my bed on my phone and sigh. I sit at the edge of my bed and hang my head in my hands. She's not calling back I tell myself. I don't even know why I care so much. She doesn't care that I'm in London. All I know is that I'm probably dead to her. That's fine with me. London is just a better place to get away from her. Everything is just a mess right now. I just need time to slow down. Everything is fast pace and I can't keep up. The door creeks open and I raise my head to see Robbie peaking his head in. He gives me a small smile and I gesture him to come in.

"Hi. How are you?" he asks while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm fine, I just wanted to check up on you. I heard you yelling and wanted to make sure you were alright." he shyly says.

"Oh that's really sweet. I'm ok I could be doing better. I was talking to my mom. She didn't know I was here. Now she's mad but it's whatever I guess."

"I'm really sorry about that." he says, "What brings you here anyway?"

"It's such a long story for another time. Basically I went on a last minute vacation." I lightly chuckle, "I asked for the cheapest plane ticket and then I was on a plane to London. Now I'm here and I couldn't be any happier."

"That's good to hear London is a great place." he pauses, "Well I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I better get to bed." he yawns, "see you tomorrow. Have a nice night, Serena."

"Good night Robbie." I smile at him.

He blushes a little bit and leaves closing the door behind him. I lay in my bed smiling. So far London has been wonderful for me.


I wake up the next day and head downstairs to breakfast. Robbie's sitting there eating an apple with a piece of toast.

"Hey!" he smiles. I wave back and grape some strawberries and sit across from him.

"Hi. Did you sleep well?" I ask.

He nods, "You?"

"Fantastic. The beds are so comfy here." I tell him, "What are you planning to do today?"

He shrugs, "No clue yet. Probably getting dragged to work with my dad."

"Sounds fun." I giggle.

"Not really, but how about you?" he asks.

"No idea. Maybe explore a little. Go swim in the pool."

"Now that sounds fun." he laughs.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"I better go get ready." he starts to get up, "Dad hates when I'm late."

"Well have a good day." I giggle.

"You too." he smiles and walks away.

I feel my face get red when he walks away. He's so kind and nice and I feel so comfortable with him. It's nothing like I've ever felt. Sucks it won't work out though. Who knows how long I'll be here? I could be gone in the next week if I wanted to. I can't stay in London forever. I'd do anything if I could though.

"I didn't think you'd be up!" I hear Camilla's voice as she joins me for breakfast.

"Me neither I usually sleep late. I'm going to have to get used to the time zones here." I laugh.

"What are you planning on doing today?" she asks.

"Well, I saw a pool in the back and it's such perfect weather to go swimming so why not?"

"That's actually not a bad idea. We can just chill and have a pool party." she excitedly says.

"That sounds great. I could use a day like this after traveling." I say.


"Hop in the water Serena! It's fine!" Camilla says as she jumps right in.

I stand at the edge of the pool near the shallow end. I dip my toe in and immediately take my foot out of the cold water.

"That's such a lie!" I shriek.

"Come on you'll be fine!" Fiona calls as she dives in.

I give in and go to the deep end and jump in. The cold water hits my skin as I go under. The second I come up for air I feel refreshed. Camilla and Fiona laughed as I jumped in. From the corner of my eye I see Robbie slam the car door and then walk inside the house.

He comes outside a few minutes later in swim trunks and he starts to run towards us. He jumps in and makes a big splash.

"Robbie!" Camilla shrieks laughing from the water splashing her face.

"What?" he raises his eyebrow and starts to laugh," Am I not allowed to jump in the pool?"

"Try not to splash us next time." Fiona giggles.

"Aw that's the fun part." he pouts.

I look at him and playfully shake my head. I catch his eye and we look at each other for three seconds, he smirks as I look away. I take a glance when he's not looking and take in his beauty. He looks radiant with the sun hitting him perfectly. I take in his perfectly toned abs and his hair still looking good after he was underwater. Even though nothing will happen it's still nice to admire, right?


We order pizza for dinner and watch some movies. Robbie sits at the other end of the couch and I see him look at me sometimes and shifts his gaze away from mine. I do the same and give him a tiny smile. The movie ends and we all head upstairs. I change into my pajamas and climb into bed.

My mind replays his sparkling eyes flashing at me every so often. The way his smile grows on his face. I know nothing will happen, nothing can happen. Why am I thinking about him? It's just a crush, an infatuation, it will go away in no time. Just don't get attached and I'll be fine.

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