Chapter 14

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I throw my bag in the trunk and hop in the back seat with Robbie.

"Ok that was my last bag. I'm ready to go." I say.

"Are you excited to go back?"

"I guess. Not to see everyone there. But I do get to show you around New York. I think you'll like it." I beam.

"Oh I love New York. You'll love it Robbie." Camilla chimes in.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I took a tiny nap on the way there.


Once we got passed security we all just sat at the gate waiting for us to board.

Fiona and Camilla pull me aside, "Will this be the last time we see you?" Fiona asks trying to hold tiny tears back.

"I hope not I'd miss you guys too much. I'll try to come visit as soon as I can. " I tell them.

"Why don't you move here?" Camilla suggests. Fiona's face lights up when she hears that idea.

"I'd love to but I have a life back home and I need to go back. Maybe I'll move here if the time is right but I've been away for too long. I'll keep in touch with you guys though."

"It's just not the same." Camilla says.

"I know, it sucks. But I'll still be dating Robbie. I have no idea what we are but we'll still be together. I promise I'll fly back soon." I say.

They call our boarding number and we head back over to Robbie and get our things ready.

"Bye guys." I hug Camilla and Fiona, "I can't thank you guys enough for all you've done for me."

"Thank you again Mrs. Kay." I hug her too.

"You two be careful and have fun." she smiles.

I wait for Robbie to say his goodbyes and start walking to the line. I hand the man my boarding pass and passport and start walking onto the plane.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to the U.S." Robbie whispers to me.

"Yeah. It'll be great." I say less enthusiastically as I look out the window.

He grabs my hand, "Hey are you okay?"

I press my lips together trying not to cry and nod my head and look away again before he can say anything.

"Tell me what's wrong, love." he rubs tiny circles on the back of my hand trying to calm me down.

"What will they think?" I lean my head on his shoulder as I let tears silently roll down, "What will they say? I knew it was a bad idea going. I don't know why I went through with this. They hate me. I -"

"Love, it'll be okay. I'm right here beside you." he assure me.

"I know I'm just so nervous. I'll be at a wedding where half the party hates me. What if my mom shows up? She's pretty close with Grace and her parents. What will she think?" I ramble on.

"Love, look at me." he says in a stern voice, I turn my head and look into his emerald green eyes, "We'll figure it out together. One step at a time right?"

I nod and take a few deep breaths. Everything will be okay. That's what I tell myself. I never know how to act calm in situations like this. I've never been in something so big like this and I plan to never be in one again. The plane takes off and my stomach does flips. I didn't know if it was from the plane or the overthinking I'm doing. Robbie holds my hand the whole plane ride. At least I did one thing right.


I wale up to Robbie shaking me awake, "Serena, wake up. We're here." he says with a smile.

"Feels good to be home." We walk out of the plane and someone yells my name.

My stomach turns when out of the corner of my eye I see my parents. My dad is smiling and waving his hands, while my mom looks like she's been forced against her will to be here. Our last conversation didn't end all that well.

"Hi!" I force a smile and walk over to them, "How did you know we'd be here?" I had no plans of telling them. I didn't even want them to know I was here.

"Grace called us. She's so excited about you coming to the wedding. We're so glad you're back."my dad hugs me.

"Yeah." I say as my smile fades.

"Who's this?" my dad looks at Robbie.

"Oh! Well this is... my bo... friend, Robbie. Robbie these are my parents."

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Robbie shakes his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." he smiles.

Everything seems to be going well so far. Besides the fact that my mom hasn't say anything, let alone look at me.

"I really like him." my dad murmurs to me.

"Me too." a smile grows on my face. I sigh of relief thank goodness my dad likes him.

We claim out bags and head to the car in an awkward silence.

"So... tell me about your trip to London. It must have been fun." my dad says breaking the silence.

"Oh. It was good. I really liked it. Robbie was a great tour guide." I say.

"That's nice. Where did you go?" he asks trying to keep the conversation going.

"We went to Big Ben and Hyde park. And some beach that I forgot the name of. We didn't do much exploring but we did a bit." I say just wishing the conversation to be over.

He goes on talking about when he went to Big Ben as a kid and some facts about it. I zone out just wanting to be somewhere else. Just a place where Robbie and I can escape. A place where time doesn't exists. Just where we could stay together forever. Because once this wedding is over I'm staying here and I don't think I can handle a goodbye with Robbie.

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