Chapter Six

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I did what I was told, and text Harry as soon as I got home. 'Hey, mum said thanks for the invite for tomorrow :) xx' sent. I threw my phone on my bed and went into my bathroom and took all my makeup off, and then went and checked my phone '2 new messages and 1 missed call' all from Harry.

I had to laugh at his eagerness, this boy really was keen, I smirked to myself. I replied to one of his messages, then he called me back 'I miss you already.' he said I left him a while before I replied, I went and got my laptop to see the photos that had been taken at the meet-and-greets, while my laptop was turning on, I went on Twitter and saw the picture of me and Harry had already been put up.

It had been retweted thousands of times, including by Harry, and considering he had over 5 MILLION Twitter followers, I was expecting to have a hate page pretty soon.

I Twitter searched my name, and I saw  that I had almost 100,000 followers already, when I left home this morning I had 300. What.The.Hell. I also saw I had a hate page, with 200,000 people following it. I got my phone out and text Harry, "I need you. xx'  Simple, but true. 

I got a reply almost instantly, I read it with tears welling in my eyes 'What's wrong babe? What happened? Are you ok?" I had to smile at him, I had known him a little over 48 hours, and I knew he cared about me deeply, 'Your fans hate me. I have a hate page already because of that stupid photo you tweeted! Now your FIVE MILLION twitter followers hate me!" maybe I shouldn't have been so angry at him for tweeting the photo, I mean, at least he was proud to be seen kissing me in front of his fans, maybe I should be pleased he was proud of me?

But at the moment I was still upset about the page; 'We hate Emily!' with the picture of me and Harry kissing as the profile picture. Yeah everyone loves having a page like that about them. My phone lit up and I saw a message from Harry, 'Babe, I'm so sorry, I never meant for that to happen, I just wanted all my fans to see how beautiful my amazing girlfriend was' I smiled when I read this, I went to reply and then I had a twitter mention pop up on the screen. '@Harry_Styles guys the hate page about @Emily_Wright,  is horrible, if you were my true fans you would respect my desicion, and you would be happy that I am happy, and you would respect Em and not make hate pages about her!'  I smiled, and replied to his text 'Thankyou for your tweet babe, I'm really tired, but I'll text you first thing in the morning (:.'  sent. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep pretty much straight away. It had been a huge weekend that's for sure!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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