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-Harry's POV

It's almost midnight and Liam hasn't come back yet. He has never stayed out this long before. The boys and I are really worried about him. We have called him so many times but his phone is turned off. We haven't called Emily or Niall yet because we know that if Em finds out that Liam is missing, she will go crazy and start thinking he was kidnapped or dead, but at this point I think that we might have too. Maybe she has Iris's number.

"You guys, I think it's time we call Em and see if she has Iris's number to see if Liam is with her." Zayn said reading my thoughts. I nodded and took out my phone.

"Hello?" She answered after about five rings. He voice was sleepy and then I remembered that it is almost midnight and that she was most likely asleep.

"Hey Em."

"Why the heck are you calling me at 12 in the morning?" Now she sounded angry.

"Well you see the guys and I are wondering if you have Iris's number." I said unsurly.

"Why don't you ask Liam, he went out with her today right, so shouldn't he have it?

"Um about that Liam hasn't come home yet......"

There we go! I have finally Updated. I'm so sorry it took so long!


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