Mirror 2

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Riley catches her reflection in the hallway mirror and wishes she didn't. She hates looking at herself. Some might see dark eyes and thick brown curls and the cute dimple under her chin. But Riley, self-conscious, hyper aware Riley only sees the flaws. Her lips are too small. The bags under her eyes are too big. Her ears stick out too much. She's too tall and too gawky and man-oh-man she is too klutzy.

    Sometimes she doesn't get why Lucas is so faithful to her or why she even has friends like she does. She doesn't understand why people like her so much or why they're so loyal or why cool, reckless Maya spends her time with goofy, straight-laced Riley. Maya could be best friends with anyone in the entire school. Why her?

    Someone rounds the corner and smacks into Riley.

    "Munchkin!" Riley squeals. She jumps Maya, wrapping her around her best friend. "Where have you been? Why haven't you answered my texts and calls?"

    Maya straightens, rubbing her forehead that smacked into Riley's shoulder. "My mom forgot to pay the phone bill."

    "Oh," Riley nods. That makes sense. She hugs Maya again and this time Maya hugs back. They take hands, each of them dawning the friendship bracelets they got when they we're twelve at the boardwalk. Riley's is rainbow and Maya's is navy, but despite the different colors, they're both braided in the same pattern. Built together. Twins.

    Maya lets Riley's hand go and opens up her backpack. "I'm sorry I've been a sucky friend lately, but I got you something I hope will make up for it."

    She hands over the booklet and Riley beams, flipping through it's pages. They both ignore the warning bell.

    "You made a comic book of us?"

    "Yeah, it's cheesy, I know. I usually just do the drawings, but I added in some text bubbles. Besides, you love cheesy."

    "I do! I really, really do! I love it Maya!" She clutches the comic book to her chest with affection.

    Maya nods solidly.

    A figure steps deliberately in between the two girls, throwing her arms around the both of them. "Guys, I'm alive!"

    "Yes Smackle, we can see that," Maya chuckles. She disentangles herself from the girl's grip. Maya's not keen on being touched. Not by anyone other than Riley or Lucas anyway.

    "You don't get it. I was sick."

    "We knew that too," says Riley. "Farkle told us."

    "Damn my boyfriend and his loud mouth."

    "You're boyfriend has a fine mouth," Maya rolls her eyes. "And not like that--I just mean he's not a tattletale. We were asking about you. We were worried."

    "Aw," Smackle grins. "I'd hug you again, but the bells going to ring and I can't be late. My grade can't suffer because of my social life."

    Riley slips the comic book into her bag. "Me neither."

    "Come on. No one wants to play hooky?" Maya lifts a brow. She already knows the answer so she spins on her heel and struts down the hallway. Smackle disappears. Riley is left alone, staring after the blonde girl who's beauty is effortless. But of course, Maya must know her own effect. Riley doesn't see how anyone like that couldn't.

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