21: Put me to ruin

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Its been hard trying to maintain my relationship with my career and Jordan. Jordan was off from touring around the world. And I was still in Paris doing a photoshoot . Jordan tried to surprise me by coming to Paris when he was on tour but my schedule changed at the last minute . Missy one of the models told me he was looking for me. Jordan was stressed out a little because he hasn't heard from me  . We FaceTime but it's only for 5 minutes because I'm always busy and tried . But he understands how much this means for me and that I need to stay focus .
It was 6:20 and I woke up , listening to the sound of cars on the street, Music &people talking . I looked out the window and watched the cars go by .
*Ring ring
   I went over to the bed and got my phone it was Jordan texting me . Hubby: Morning beautiful 😍
                              Kiannah : 😘Morning , you still up ?
Hubby : yeah couldn't sleep much ,Ready for the big day 😝
                   Kiannah : I guess so 😕
Hubby : really you should be proud of yourself, you finished with your photoshoot!
                       Kiannah: yea , but I'm just really tried , ready to go back to LA !
Hubby: Don't worry , you'll be here soon with me and Miyah !
                   Kiannah: I miss my baby 👶🏽
Hubby : Miyah misses her mommy , yesterday she had a bad dream and slept in our room .
                     Kiannah : Awe poor baby , what was it ?
Hubby : Some clown 🤡 chasing her .
             Kiannah: I hate clowns 🤡
Hubby: yea.. but any way she's okay , sleeping in her room now .  
  *Ding Ding
"Mrs . Parker , it's the butler "
   I got up and opened the door .
" Good morning , Mrs. Parker "
" good morning "
" We have your breakfast , fluffy Pancakes with some scrambled eggs , bacon not to crispy, two bagels with some cream cheese and a hot cup of coffee to help you through the morning "       " thank you "
"If their is anything you need -"
"I know I'll call you , thank you "
The butler left and I texted back Jordan.
Kiannah: I'll text you later , gonna eat some breakfast 🍳, ttyl luv u have a great day , kiss Miyah 4 me 😘!
Hubby :  ight , luv u 2 😘
I put my phone on the table and start to eat my breakfast.
     As I was eating my breakfast , I heard a voice approaching my room and it was Zita who entered my room .
   " Morning " she smiled.
" Well your up early "
"Yea , couldn't go back to sleep "
" Well , at least this is our last week in Paris "
" yea , I miss my family"
" well hurry and eat we have a big day ahead of us "
I started to finish my pancakes.
Me and Zita left the hotel and started shopping, she was my manager and our relationship got better . She is actually a nice person . It was just her childhood that made her that way of being a mean person . "Ooh , L'Eclaireur, let's go on here " she said . Opening the door . We entered the store and we started to look around .
Then Zita spotted a black dress .
" Kiannah this will look good on you" she said smiling. " come and try it on "
I grabbed it and went to the dressing room . I put the dress on and it was really cute . I went to ask one of the staff if she can zip me up . She zipped me up and I went to Zita . She was on her phone . Then she looked up at me .
" Wow , you look....Sexy" she smiled .
"Thanks " I smiled looking in the mirror. " This is a perfect dress for the banquet " she insisted .
"Excuse me miss , we will get this" she said to the staff .
Zita unzipped me and I went back to change . Zita brought me the dress .
" your not getting anything?" I looked at her . " No , I already chose a dress to wear ." We left the store and continued to be in the city .


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