perfectly normal (andy biersack/other bands fan fic)

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Hey guys.... this is my first book so I'm sorry if its sucky :) just a warming that it has swearing in it.... not heaps in this first chapter but there will be heaps.... im sorry hehe anyway i hope you guys enjoy!!! xxx

my mum had always been the understanding one. she had always let me do whatever I wanted. but my dad was a different story. i mean. loved him and all bit sometimes he gets on my nerves sometimes and even though i love him its annoying.
"mummy ?"
she was looking after my little brother they were playing cars on the ground.
"well warped tour is in a couple of months and I have the money... can I go?? please??"
"yeah sure if you have the money but I cant drive you"
"ok thank you"
I was silently dying of excitement *dies* wait what about dad?? I went online and bought the tickets. then I called him
"Heyyy daddy i bought some tickets online today... can you please pick them up??"
"sure... what tickets??"
"warped tour"
"no absolutely not you are too young"
I sighed into the phone.
"daddy please ... mum said yes!!"
now it was his turn to sigh
"your only 17..."
"what about my money?!"
"have you already paid?? fuck. fine but if you get hurt i can't help Ok??"
*skip forward 3 months*
I stood in front of the mirror. by strawberry blond hair was in a ponytail. I had black skinny jeans on, a black shirt that said "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" and my green cons. I had the tiniest bit of makeup and jewellery but that was it. I went outside to my car and put everything in it i would be staying at a hotel for a week (I had a high paying job and I took online schooling)
I walked back into the house
my mum came rushing down the stairs
"nawww my baby girl are you sure you'll be ok??"
"Mum!! i turned 18 last week I'll be fine" next it was my dad
"be careful sweetie.. i love you"
"love you too daddy"
"we got you this.... hope you like it" mum had a sheepish grin on her face. I opened it "HOLY SHHHHHHHIVER ME TIMBERS!!!! (i saved myself from swearing infront of Mikey)" it was beautiful!!! a turquoise greeny wallet i opened it and there was a $100 dollar note and a bunch of cards
"they're all linked to your account" my dad said
"OMG i love it thank you guys!!!"
after saying my final goodbyes i was on the road and on my way to LA (haha that rhymed!!)

i hoped you guys liked it!!! please let me know if you want me to keep updating!!! thanks ❤️❤️❤️ (just a side note i do not think this of my parents i love them very much, this is just Layla's opinion ;) )

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